Browser look preferences

These settings control the appearance of Opera's main button bar, address bar, and additional buttons that appear in the Hotlist, e-mail folders, newsreader, instant messaging and transfer window. These settings profoundly affect the appearance of Opera.

Button Set

If you want to change the button graphics in Opera, you can do the following...

  1. Obtain a button set. You can...
    1. Download a button set from the Net, for example from The MyOpera Community.
    2. Create your own button set
  2. Copy the folder containing the button set into your Opera directory
  3. Click in Preferences, browse to your button directory, select the file with the ini extension (usually "buttons.ini"), then click .
  4. Click . You should now have a new button sets.

If you want to create your own button set, take a look at the default button set in Opera, and create a similar collection of files with the same filenames, only with your graphics instead. You are warmly welcome to contribute button sets to The MyOpera Community, where everyone can look at and use your button set.

You can choose if you want to show a border around buttons, and if you want buttons in color or in grayscale.

Skin images

The foreground image skins Opera's buttons and toolbars, while the background image skins Opera's workspace (the area behind all your Opera windows).

There are two ways to set skin images...

  1. Choose an image on your computer with the buttons in Preferences
  2. Right-click on images in Web pages, and select the Use image as menu item

Fonts and colors

By default, Opera uses standard fonts and colors set by the operating system. If you disable the system defaults, you can choose your own fonts and colors for Opera's user interface.

Normal text This font and color affects text in the user interface
Inactive text This font and color affects currently unavailable user interface actions
Background This color affects the background of the user interface
Button background This color shows up when pointing on a button with your mouse
Progress This color indicates progress while loading a Web page