The Language preferences allow you to configure both the language that Opera uses for its user interface, and the languages you prefer for Web pages.
If you want the Opera user interface in your own language, there are two approaches...
You can even have multiple languages. Just download and install your desired language files as specified above, and switch between the languages using the dropdown menu.
You can revert to English, Opera's original language, at any time.
If Opera is not available in your desired language, and you want to contribute with a translation, we would very much like to hear from you.
You can set up a prioritized list of your preferred languages. If a Web site supports multiple languages, you will receive the Web site in your most preferred language available. If the Web site is available in one language only, these settings will obviously have no effect for that Web site.
The box lists your desired languages, with the most preferred language on top. You can add, remove and change the order of the languages to your liking.
If you cannot find your preferred language in the pre-defined list while trying to add a language, you can type it in manually in the "User defined" field. The string has to be an officially supported type in order to be understood by Web servers, so make sure the string you enter is a proper language string.
When viewing a Web page with International characters, Opera needs to know which encoding the page is using. This can be decided in several places (listed in order of priority)...
If none of these specify an encoding, then a pre-set "fallback" encoding is used.
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