Restart Windows with a Shortcut.
Normally you restart Windows with the Shut Down command in the Start menu. You may want to create a desktop Shortcut to restart your computer.
To create a restart Shortcut on your desktop:
- Create the RESTART.BAT file.
- Create the RESTART Shortcut.
- Configure the RESTART Shortcut.
To create the RESTART.BAT file:
- Use Explorer or My Computer to open the Windows folder.
- From the View menu, choose Options.
The Options dialog box appears.
- Click the View tab.
- Uncheck the Hide MS-DOS checkbox.
- Click Apply.
- Right-click a clear area of the desktop.
The context menu appears.
- Hold the mouse cursor over New.
The cascading menu appears.
- Click Text Document
A new text document icon appears.
You are asked to confirm the Rename action.
- Click Yes.
- Check the Hide MS-DOS checkbox.
- Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
- Click RESTART.BAT and hold the mouse button down as you drag the icon to the Windows folder.
To create the RESTART Shortcut:
- Right-click the RESTART.BAT icon that you just created.
The context menu appears.
- Click Create Shortcut.
A Shortcut to RESTART.BAT is created.
- Click the Shortcut and hold the mouse button down as you drag the Shortcut to the desired location on the Windows desktop.
To configure the RESTART Shortcut.
- Right-click the RESTART Shortcut icon that you just created.
The context menu appears.
- Click Properties.
The Properties dialog box appears.
- Click the Program tab.
- Click Advanced.
The Advanced Program Settings dialog box appears.
- Check the MS-DOS mode check box.
- Uncheck the Warn before entering MS-DOS mode check box.
- Click OK.
The Advanced Program Settings dialog box closes.
- Click OK.