(This plugin is part of NetLimiter 2 Pro only)
This plugin will allow you to remotely control any computer (on internet or
Lan) with NetLimiter 2 Pro installation and remotely set limits, grants and
firewall rules.
Remote administration (RA) plugin can be launched as a normal plugin û Click on
View at the Main menu and select the Remote administration option.
RA plugin uses Windows NT authorization system. It means that you donÆt need to create any special usernames and passwords to connect to remote NetLimiter 2 installation. If you have working user account on a remote machine, then you should be able to use NetLimiter 2 (on that remote machine).
Figure 13
RA plugin consists from two parts: Login form and Computer list.
Login form displays settings for a remote machine.
Computer: Name or address of the remote
Username: Username for your account on the
remote computer.
Domain: Network domain of the remote computer.
(If the remote computer is not in the domain, then leave it blank)
Refresh time
: Data will be downloaded from the remote computer in specified time interval
in miliseconds (smaller values û more accurate data, but more traffic).Refresh
automatically option must be checked, if this value should have
any effect.
Refresh automatically: Check this option, if
you would like to automatically refresh state of the remote computer.
Connect on startup: Check this option, if you
would like NetLimiter 2 Client to connect to a remote computer on every
start up.
Detail level: Specify which kind of data you
would like to download from remote machine.
Data encryption: Check this option, if you
would like encrypt communication with the remote computer.
Displays list of remote computers and their status.