
README for Setup


(с)2005 Parallax Arts Studio,Inc. All rights reserved.


February 10, 2005



1. System requirements

3. Installation process

3. Troubleshooting

4. Known issues




1. System requirements


The minimum requirements and system specifications to run Liquidator are as follows:


·         OS: Windows XP/2000 (Support for Windows 98 will be added later)

·         CPU: 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon XP processor

·         RAM: 512 MB

·         Hard Drive Space: 1 GB free hard disk space plus space for saved games, Windows swap-file, and DirectX 9.0c

·         Video: 64 MB AGP video cards using the NVIDIA GeForce 3, ATI Radeon 9200, or more recent chipsets with the DirectX 9.0c compatible driver

·         Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible PCI 16-bit sound card

·         CD/DVD-Rom

·         Input: Keyboard, Mouse


Recommended system specifications:


·         CPU: 2.4 GHz or faster Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor

·         RAM: 512 MB or more

·         Video: NVIDIA GeForceFX 5900 / ATI Radeon 9700 or better Direct3D capable video card


1.1. Known Sound Card Issues


Before running Liquidator, be sure that you have the latest drivers for your sound card installed on your PC. You can download the appropriate audio drivers from your sound card manufacturer's Web site.

1.2. Supported Video Cards


To run the game you will need a video card that supports modern technologies (Vertex/Pixel Shaders) and whose video memory is no less than 64 Mb. The game has been tested on the following video cards:



More powerful video cards will be fine to run the game.


We have not tested how the game works on laptops however we assume that the game should work on laptops with the following video cards:




2. Installation process



Note! If the “AutoRun” menu does not work properly on your computer, enter the “Liquidator2” folder on the disk and run “installer.exe”

3. Cheat codes


            You can use cheat codes for your convenience that will help you passing the game.

To enter a cheat code call the game console by pressing ‘~’. Below is the list of the available commands:


pl_noDie 1 – health may fall only to 1, the player is immortal – for the evaluation of the  player’s injuries

pl_noDie 0 – health may diminish to 0, the player can die

pl_health 100 – 100% health

pl_armour 100 – 100% armour

game allkeys – get all runes

F3 – toggle no clip

F11 - screenshot

If you press ‘~’ once again you will leave the console.

4. Known issues


            The “save the game” and “restore the game” options have been switched off in the demo.