Bye. 1 0 Good day. 255 1 1 13 I wonder why Ted was so interested in this. 1 0 Ted is a snoop. Like any other journalist. 2 1 Is this really what Ted found? Was he kidnapped because of this? 3 0 Considering the money involved in this contract... 4 1 Can you find out who's behind that company Borisov? 5 0 Just a second... I can't believe there's nothing about it on the net. 6 1 There's no record of a company that used twenty million NDs as a bribe? 7 0 I guess someone erased it, but who knows when. Maybe I should check something else... 8 1 Ok, give me anything I could use. 9 0 This sketch of a colony on Mars from the documents matches the Einstein's Rope colony. 10 1 Hey, I was there on my vacation. 11 0 Since it's our only lead maybe you should go back there and try to find out who's behind the colony. 12 1 Hm, so the vacation continues... 254 0