Appendix 1 - Quick reference All views: Holding Shift, Middle mouse-button: Mouse look F5: Redraw all views Alt+S or Ctrl+F12: Save document Ctrl+O: Load document Ctrl+N: New world Ctrl+Z, Alt+Backspace: Undo Ctrl+Y: Redo Ctrl+'C', Ctrl+Insert: Copy Ctrl+'V', Shift+Insert: Paste Ctrl+'P': Paste with the same postitions Instert, '<': Create new object Ctrl+'<': Change class of object 'Q': Grid up Ctrl+'Q': Grid down Paragraph: Toggle surface browser Space: Next tool Shift+Space: Previous tool Alt+'1': Scale tool Alt+'2': Rotate tool Alt+'3': Edge tool Alt+'4': Vertex tool Alt+'5': Texture tool '1': Create cube '2': Create wedge '3': Create spike '4': Create spikewedge '5': Create cylinder, param0 = segments '6': Create cone, param0 = segments '7': Create sphere, param0 = x-segments, param1 = z-segments Shift+'1': Create spline-cube Shift+'2': Create spline-pie Shift+'3': Create spline-cylinder Shift+'4': Create spline-arc 1 Shift+'5': Create spline-arc 2 Shift+'6': Create spline face (use with care) 'G': Group selected Ctrl+'G': Ungroup selected 'F': Step into group Ctrl+'F': Step out of group Ctrl+Alt+'F': Step into group with selection intact Alt+'D', Delete: Delete selected brushes 'C': Center on selection Alt+'C' Center all views on selection 'V': Fast rotate selection 45 degrees Shift+'V': Fast rotate selection -45 degrees Ctrl+Alt+'C', 'I': Copy surface from selected brush/brushes Ctrl+Alt+'V', 'K': Paste surface on selected brush/brushes (face/faces if using TextureTool) 'R': Toggle Structure for selected brushes Ctrl+'R': Toggle View Structure mode 'H': Toggle Hidden for selected brushes Ctrl+'H': Toggle view Hidden on/off Ctrl+Alt+'H': Toggle Type Hide for selected classtype Alt+'X': Flip selection in X-Axis Alt+'Y': Flip selection in Y-Axis Alt+'Z': Flip selection in Z-Axis Alt+'R': Run simulation Ctrl+'+': Increase timescale Ctrl+'-': Decrease timescale F3 Select all F4 Forcesnap F6 Select surface faces F5 Redraw all F6 Select surface faces F8 View map info F9 Toggle showing of models Ctrl+F9 Toggle buttonbar Ctrl+F10 Toggle nodebar Ctrl+F11 Toggle workspace 2D-view specific: Holding Shift: Arrow up or 'W': Zoom in Arrow down or 'S': Zoom out '+': Zoom in '-': Zoom out Arrow up or 'W': Fast move up Arrow down or 'S': Fast move down Arrow left or 'A': Fast move left Arrow right or 'D': Fast move right 3D-view specific: Tab: Toggle Wireframe/Solid/Textured view Holding shift: "Blink crossing" Arrow up or 'W': Move forward Arrow down or 'S': Move backward Arrow left or 'A': Move left Arrow right or 'D': Move right PageUp Increase 3D-Speed PageDown Increase 3D-Speed Ctrl+PageUp Increase clip-plane Ctrl+PageDn Increase clip-plane ScaleTool: Left mouse-button: Scale in selected plane Holding Ctrl will force to scale in only one axis. Right mouse-button: Skew in selected plane 'M': Open scale dialog RotateTool: Left mouse-button: Rotate with 5 degrees step in selected plane Holding Shift will allow stepping 1 degree at a time instead of 5 Right mouse-button: Quick rotate 45 degrees in selected plane 'M': Open rotation dialog 'X': Toggle if the rotation-wheel should lie in the center of the selection or not. EdgeTool: Holding CTRL while clicking on a handle selects/deselect the handle. Holding CTRL while using selection rectangle will add handles to the selection. The standard fast-move keys will move selected handles instead of selected objects. Left mouse-button: Move handle '+': Decrease the number of edge-points when using static tessellation '-': Increase the number of edge-points when using static tessellation 'I': Show length of selected edges (test) VertexTool: Holding CTRL while clicking on a vertex selects/deselect the vertex. Holding CTRL while using selection rectangle will add vertices to the selection. The standard fast-move keys will move selected handles instead of selected objects. Left mouse-button: Move vertex/vertices Right mouse-button: Move vertex/vertices "hard" (for splines) 'B', Return: Hide/Show Rotate axis (test) TextureTool: Holding CTRL while clicking on a face selects/deselect the face. The standard fast-move keys will move the offset of selected faces instead of move selected objects. Left mouse-button: Move texture offset Right mouse-button: Rotate texture Ctrl+Right mouse-button: Fast rotate 45 degrees 'B', Return: Brings up the texture dialog 'M': Toggle between box-mapping and fixed ST-mapping on splines. 'X': Selects all faces (or none if all is already selected)