The following options allow you to specify the program options:
Hide main window when started
Checked - when you start the Magic Mail Monitor it always hides its main window;
Not Checked - main window show mode will be inherited from the shortcut you use to launch the program;
Refresh automatically on document open
Checked - the program checks mailboxes immediately after the document was opened;
Not Checked - the program doesn¢t check immediately after the document was opened;
Confirm message deletion
Checked - confirmation dialog box will appear as you remove messages from the server;
Not Checked - the program accomplishes message deletion immediately after the command was issued;
Pop up main window on new mail arrival
Checked - the main window restores its position on the screen if new messages arrive;
Not Checked - the window retains its position (hidden or minimized) even if new messages were detected;
File extension for messages
This option specify which extension will be used for temporary files with downloaded message. This affects mainly which program will be called for viewing your message after QuickView command. Most common used extensions are ╗txt╗ to open Notepad or other plain text editor, and ╗eml╗ to open your default mail client to view message. Note that calling mail client (especially Outlook [Express]) can be not safe, if message includes html code.
Preview size, KB
This values is used by QuickPreview command. Normally 5 KB should be enough for you to estimate message usefulness.
Mark message as read
Read/unread logic for messages. Possible values are: