//===System Errors TooLow3dCardT Your 3D video card doesn't support the capabilities needed for the game.\nYou can try to start anyway, but it won't work properly.\nDo you want to continue ?\n(If you do and can't see anything, press Esc to exit) TooLow3dCardH Too low 3D Card ExceptionT The program met an unhandled exception\nCrash logged in file "Errorlog.Txt" ExceptionH Program error MemoryH Memory Error MemoryT1 Something is really wrong with the memory system !\nTry to close all other applications before launching this program again\nYou need at least 32 MB of system memory. MemoryT2 No memory left !\nTry to close all other applications before launching this program again.\nYou need at least 32 MB of system memory. NoDisp1 Can't initialize display.\nCheck your video driver version. NoDisp2 Display Init Error //===Init loading System Init : ...OK\n3D Init : ...OK\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nLoading Game... NagDayLeft You have %s days left for evaluation.\n\nPlease register your version if you enjoy this game !\n(once registered, this reminder won't appear anymore) NagDayLeftTitle BALLOONrain - Shareware reminder InvalidKey Your key appears to be invalid !\nPlease contact us at contact@managames.com,\nwith your first name, last name, and customer ID.\n InvalidKeyTitle BALLOONrain - Invalid Key TrialOver The trial period is over.\nIf you want to continue to play BALLOONrain,\nplease order the full version. TrialOverTitle Trial time over //===Doc Doc_Order En_OrderFullVersion //===Global On On Off Off Default Default Back Back Ok OK sOnOff01 Off sOnOff02 On //===Main MHOB BALLOONrain FullMHOB The Magic History Of the Balloons NewGame New Game Multiplayer Multiplayer Options Options Demo Demo Exit Exit CopyR BALLOONrain %s - Copyright Mana Games 2004 //===Exit Quit Exit? Yes Yes No No //===Demo PlayDemo Replay DemoMode Mode: %s DemoSkill Skill: %s DemoScore Score: %s DemoTime Time: %s DemoLevel Level: %s //===NewGame ChooseGame Choose Game Mode Puzzle Puzzle Challenge Challenge Survivor Survivor Tutorial Tutorial Ghosted Ghosted //===Instructions Instruction Instructions Instruction01 \29\30 PUZZLE \30\31\n\nIn Puzzle mode, you have to assemble balloons of the same colors, 4 at a time. Once the Arena is empty, you will move to the next one.\nEach Zone contains 5 Arenas. In Kiddy difficulty, you will move on to the next Zone after completing the first 3 Arenas. In Trainee difficulty, you will have to complete the first 4 Arenas to move on to the next Zone. Instruction02 \29\30 SURVIVOR \30\31\n\nIn Survivor mode, you have to try to survive as long as possible. You can make different combinations to score :\n- 4 balloons of the same color\n- 2 of a color and 2 of another color\n- 3 of a color and 1 of another color\n- 4 of different colors Instruction03 \29\30 CHALLENGE \30\31\n\nIn Challenge mode, you have to make a certain number of determined combinations. They will appear from time to time on the top left of the screen. Otherwise, the rules are the same as Survivor mode. You can make different combinations to score :\n- 4 balloons of the same colors\n- 2 of a color and 2 of another color\n- 3 of a color and 1 of another color\n- 4 of different colors\nOnce you make all the needed combinations, you will move to next Arena. Instruction04 \29\30 GHOSTED \30\31\n\nGhosted mode is similar to Puzzle mode except the arenas are usually bigger and in each level one or several ghosts will haunt you. You can make the same combinations as in Survivor mode :\n- 4 balloons of the same color\n- 2 of a color and 2 of another color\n- 3 of a color and 1 of another color\n- 4 of different colors //===Diff ChooseDiff Choose Difficulty sDiff01 Expert sDiff02 Veteran sDiff03 Trainee sDiff04 Kiddy NoTimeLimit No Time Limit: // sDiff01Not Expert - Not available //===ChooseLevel ChooseLevel Choose Level ChooseZone Choose Zone Zone Zone %s //===SurvivorLevel Level Level // Select Play //===Multiplayer 2P 2 Players 3P 3 Players 4P 4 Players //===Options ControlsO Controls AudioO Audio VideoO Video GameO Game ProfileO Profile StatO Statistics HiscoreO Hi-scores //===Audio Apply Apply Fx Effects: FxVol Volume: FxFreq Frequency: FxBit Bits: Music Music: MusVol Volume: //===Game BonusG Bonus: HelpOnOff In-Game Help: CamMode Camera View: CamDist Distance: CamAng Angle: Fps Draw Fps: DevMode DevMode: //===CamMode CamMode01 Top CamMode02 Side CamMode03 Moving CamMode00 Other //===Profile ProfileP Profile: NewProfile Create New Profile SetBaseProf Set Default Profile ShowOnStartup Select on Startup: // //===Stat GameMode Mode: // GClass01 Puzzle GClass02 Survivor GClass03 Challenge GClass04 Ghosted GClass05 Tutorial NoStatLevel Still no game\nfor this mode StatGame Game # StatScore Score: %s StatAverage Average: %s StatDiff Skill: %s StatBonus Bonus: %s StatTime Time: %s StatLev L //===Hiscore HsFilter Max Skill: // //===EndGameHiscore Stats Game Stats //===NewHiscore DidNewHs New Hi-score EnterName Enter Your Name //===Credits Credits Credits CreditTOO \29\30 ManuTOO \30\31\n(aka Emmanuel Rivoire):\nCode, Design, Sounds,\nModels, Textures CreditZic \29\30 Music \30\31\nAndy Mene - Audio Class - G Mazon - Jan\nKaratekid15 - Magnum Eq - Nemo - Puckstar Studios\nRawslyn Ruffin - Souldust - Vision Trips\nXtremewebz - Dave Dalishous - Tom Sheets\nAsim Khan - Rafael A Carrillo CreditTrans \29\30 Localization \30\31\nEnglish: Blake Grant\nSpanish: MysteryStudio.com\nGerman: Blueskied.com\nDutch: Bolle VersionSW Shareware version\nFreely distributable VersionReg Registered version to:\n%s //===Ingame Ingame In-Game ReturnGame Return To Game ExitToMain Exit to Main Menu ExitToMainConf Exit to\nMain Menu ? Restart Restart Level GiveUp Give Up //===Video VidBase Basics Options VidAdv Advanced Options KeepNewMode Keep new mode ? NoTimed No(%ss) DX6on Mode DirectX-6.\nModel details limited to Low and Very Low. SetLow Fast SetMed Normal SetHi Quality //===VideoBase LOD Model Details: GameFx Special Fx: LOD01 Very Low LOD02 Low LOD03 Normal LOD04 Hi LOD05 Very Hi Anisotropic Anisotropic Level: AnisoL01 Off WxH Resolution: VidBits Bits: VidHz Refresh Rate: VidDevice Device: Window Windowed: FSAA FSAA: AA01 Off AA02 2x AA03 3x AA04 4x AA05 5x AA06 6x AA07 7x AA08 8x AA09 9x AA10 10x AA11 11x AA12 12x AA13 13x AA14 14x AA15 15x AA16 16x //===VideoAdv Specular Specular lighting: MultiPass Allow MultiPass: VSync Sync Frames: Mirror Mirror: NoMirror Disabled (Models are Low / Very Low) Water Water: WaterFx01 Off WaterFx02 Bump WaterFx03 Dynamic DoNotClip DoNotClip: HwTnL T&L processing: HwTL01 Software HwTL02 Mixed HwTL03 Hardware Dx3d 3d Engine: DXTL01 DirectX 6 DXTL02 DirectX 7 DXTL03 DirectX 8 Texture Textures: TexMode01 Auto TexMode02 16 bits TexMode03 32 bits Filter Filtering: BiTri01 Bilinear BiTri02 Trilinear //===Controls Ctrl Control: PlCtrl01 Mouse PlCtrl02 Keyboard 1 PlCtrl03 Keyboard 2 PlCtrl04 Joystick 1 PlCtrl05 Joystick 2 PlCtrl06 Joystick 3 PlCtrl07 Joystick 4 AutoBack AutoBack: Player Player // MseSense Sensitivity: MseFilter Filter: MFilter01 Off MFilter02 Soft MFilter03 Strong Up Up: Down Down: Left Left: Right Right: RotateL Rotate Left: RotateR Rotate Right: Drop Drop Mode: Menu Menu: DropU Drop Up: DropD Drop Down: DropL Drop Left: DropR Drop Right: PressKey Press a key PressButton Press a button //===Joy Button Button Hat Hat HatLeft Left HatUp Up HatRight Right HatDown Down Axe0< Left Axe0> Right Axe1< Up Axe1> Down //===Mouse Mup Up Mdown Down Mleft Left Mright Right //===EndGame - HUD EndGame Overall Score Arena Score: HiScore Hi-score: Time Time: TimeBonus Time Bonus: TotalScore Total Score: TimeLeft Time Left: FinishBonus Finishing Bonus: RoomBonus Room Bonus: PlayerScore Player %s: MultiP01 All Players MultiP02 Player 1 MultiP03 Player 2 MultiP04 Player 3 MultiP05 Player 4 NbBalloon Balloons\n%s Combination Combinations\n%s HudScore Score\n%s HudTime Time\n%s HudTimeLeft Time Left\n%s HudHiScore Hi-score\n%s HudLevel Level %s HudLife Lives\n%s SaveLastDemo Save Replay to: %s DemoSaved Replay Saved TooMuchReplay Too many replays saved!! ChooseNextZone Choose next Zone End_Win Win !!! End_BestScore You have the Best Score !!! End_NoTime Lost !!! Time is gone... End_NoMove Lost !!! You can't move... //===Stats NbCombi Combinations: NbMove Moves: NbDrop Drops: NbRotateL Left Rotations: NbRotateR Right Rotations: NbCollide Collisions: Efficiency Efficiency: Ratio Ratio NbCombo Combos: NbMegaCombo MegaCombos: //===Tutorials Tuto Tutorial TutoPlay Play TutoMouse with the mouse TutoKeyb on the keyboard TutoJoy with the joystick Tuto01 Welcome to the BALLOONrain tutorial!\n\n\nThis tutorial will teach you the basics of the game in Puzzle mode. Other game modes have different challenges but the controls are identical.\nYou control the gatherer at the center of the screen. Your goal is to remove all the balloons from the Arena before time runs out. To make the balloons fly out of the arena you have to pick up 4 balloons of the same color.\nTo begin, just take those 4 balloons:\nmove left, up, right, and down, using $l$, $u$, $r$, and $d$. ($cc$) Tuto02 Now, first take the yellow balloons, then the turquoise ones. (Just using $l$, $u$, $r$, and $d$)\n\nIf you want to read this text again during game, just hit ESC and select 'Tutorial' from the in-game menu. Tuto03 Rotate\n\nHere you're going to learn how to rotate before you take balloons.\nUse $rl$ to rotate to left, and $rr$ to rotate to right. Take the 4 balloons on your left, then the 4 balloons on your right. Tuto04 Dropping balloons\n\nWe're going to learn how to release a balloon.\nGo to pick up the balloon on the left and then come back to the center without rotate. Now press 'Drop' ($drop$) and keep it pressed (or press 'Rotate Left' + 'Rotate Right' at the same time) : a little green splash will rotate on your gatherer. Next, press $l$ to drop the balloon, then release $l$ and at last release $drop$.\nDo the same for the up, right and down balloons using $u$, $r$, $d$ instead of $l$. Tuto05 Let's practice a bit !\n\nTake the purple balloons. Easy!\nThen take the blue ones. A bit more tricky. You will have to drop 1 or 2 balloons to do so, so you must have a bit of organization!\nNote that if you take blue and purple balloon at the same time they will not disappear. You have to take 4 balloons of the same color to make them fly out of the Arena. Tuto06 Let's practice rotation a bit more\n\nTry to rotate on left (with $rl$) when you take the balloons on the right, and to rotate right (with $rr$) when you take the ones on the left. Tuto07 More rotation practice!\n\nAgain take the 4 purple balloons on the left, then the 4 blue ones on the right.\n\nRotation should become second nature! Tuto08 A little trick\n\nMove up to take the green balloon, then rotate left 2 times, and move up to take the 2nd balloon. Next, move between the last two green balloons and take them by moving left and right. Fast and efficient!\n\nFind your own way to take the 4 remaining blue balloons. Tuto09 A tech move\n\nHere the tough moves begin. Move down to take the green balloon, then rotate left with $rl$ and move right and down to take the right green balloon. Then rotate left again, move down and take the balloon in the middle, just on your left. Now, without rotate, move right, up, left and down to take the last green balloon.\nAfterwards, take all the red balloons using the same method. Tuto10 Ghosts\n\nIn some levels, you will meet ghosts. The white ghosts will roam around the arena, while the black ghosts will hunt you. If a ghost touches you, you will be teleported somewhere else in the Arena. Likewise if they touch a balloon, it will be teleported. Tuto11 Mastering rotations\n\nThis is the last tutorial level, and the most difficult. You have to take the 4 balloons to the center where you can pick up all of them. Bring each one there carefully, rotating left and right (with $rl$ and $rr$); don't try to move and rotate at the same time. Take your time to understand where and how you can rotate without colliding with all the walls. //===TrialVersion NotInTrial Not Available\nin Trial Version NotInTrial_bis Not Available in Trial Version TrialVersion Trial Version Buy Get full version Now! BuyFullVersion This is a limited trial version. If you want to get the maximum fun from this game, you need to order the full version. There are more than 100 various levels and 4 game modes to challenge your brain and reflexes. GetFull Get\nFull Version\nNow! NoGameMode If you want to play this game mode, you have to order the full version.\nYou can also watch demo of this mode in the Demo submenu. LevelDoneT Trial Version TrialLevelDone Congratulations, you have finished the trial part of this game mode. If you want to play more exciting and amazing levels, then you need to order the full version! //===Nag NagTitle Nag Screen Nagger To make this nag screen disappear and to enjoy all the features of this game, order the full version now! NagWait Back to game in %s seconds NagQuit Exit in %s seconds NagScoreT Great score! NagScore Congratulations, you just proved you are a pro at this game!\nIf you want to to prove you are the best, you need to order the full version now! //===Score Ugood You're good! ScoreGood \29\30 Congratulations! \30\31\n\nYou're already good enough to play on the next difficulty level. Go to try it now! Urock You rock!!! ScoreExcellent \29\30 Excellent! \30\31\n\nYou're too good for this difficulty level.Don't be shy and go try a harder one. It will give more of a challenge fit for someone of your skills! //===WinEnd WinEndT The End WinEnd \29\30 Congratulations! \30\31\n\nYou did it, you reached the end! You fought your way through all those tricky levels. You're really impressive, you can be proud of yourself !