Keyboard Reference

EscQuit (or exit textbox)
Right AmigaPlay position
Right AltPlay song
SpaceToggle edit mode in track editor and performance list editor
EnterOn main screen: Switch between track editor and position editor
In instrument editor: Toggle fixed
TabMove to the next channel
Shift + TabMove to the previous channel
Key next to left shiftStop and kill any sound
DelIn track editor: Delete note and commands at cursor
In pos editor: Delete track & transpose at cursor
In performance list editor: Delete note & commands at cursor
Shift + DelIn track editor: Delete note at cursor
Left Alt + DelIn track editor: Delete commands at cursor
-In track editor: Copy command above cursor and decrement
In pos editor: Copy track number or transpose above cursor and decrement
=In track editor: Copy command above cursor and increment
In pos editor: Copy track number or transpose above cursor and increment
\In track editor: Copy command above cursor
In pos editor: Copy track number or transpose above cursor
F1Select octaves 1 & 2
F2Select octaves 2 & 3
F3Select octaves 3 & 4
F4Select octaves 4 & 5
F5Select octave 5
Shift + F3Cut track
Shift + F4Copy track
Shift + F5Paste
Ctrl + F3Cut commands
Ctrl + F4Copy commands
Ctrl + F5Paste commands
F6Go to stored position 1 (default: top)
F7Go to stored position 2 (default: 1/4 down the track)
F8Go to stored position 3 (default: half way down the track)
F9Go to stored position 4 (default: 3/4 down the track)
F10Go to stored position 5 (default: end of track)
Shift + F6Store track position as position 1
Shift + F7Store track position as position 2
Shift + F8Store track position as position 3
Shift + F9Store track position as position 4
Shift + F10Store track position as position 5
Left Alt + F6Play position from stored position 1
Left Alt + F7Play position from stored position 2
Left Alt + F8Play position from stored position 3
Left Alt + F9Play position from stored position 4
Left Alt + F10Play position from stored position 5
Shift + BackspaceDelete row above in track editor, pos editor or performance list and scroll everything below up one
Shift + EnterInsert row in track editor, pos editor or performance list
Ctrl + BackspaceDelete commands from the note above in track editor or performance list and scroll all commands below up one
Ctrl + EnterInsert row in command columns of track editor or performance list
Cursor leftMove cursor left
Cursor rightMove cursor right
Cursor upMove up one note/position/performance slot
Cursor downMove down one note/position/performance slot
Shift + Cursor leftMove one position up
Shift + Cursor rightMove one position down
Shift + Cursor upIn instrument editor, move one page up
Shift + Cursor downIn instrument editor, move one page down
Ctrl + Cursor leftPrevious instrument
Ctrl + Cursor rightNext instrument
Left Alt + Cursor leftPrevious instrument
Left Alt + Cursor rightNext instrument
Ctrl + 0Set note jump to 0 (note jump is number of notes to move down after putting a note into a track)
Ctrl + 1Set note jump to 1
Ctrl + 2Set note jump to 2
Ctrl + 3Set note jump to 3
Ctrl + 4Set note jump to 4
Ctrl + 5Set note jump to 5
Ctrl + 6Set note jump to 6
Ctrl + 7Set note jump to 7
Ctrl + 8Set note jump to 8
Ctrl + 9Set note jump to 9
Ctrl + AToggle channel output
Ctrl + BMark block / stop marking block
Ctrl + CCopy marked block
Ctrl + DDelete marked block
Ctrl + HTranspose marked block up one semitone
Ctrl + IInsert clipboard
Ctrl + KKill to end of track
Ctrl + LTranspose marked block down one semitone
Ctrl + ODelete every second row from cursor to end of track
Ctrl + PPaste clipboard
Ctrl + QUnmute all tracks
Ctrl + RRestore all stored positions to defaults
Ctrl + VPaste clipboard
Ctrl + XCut marked block
Ctrl + YReverse track or marked block
Shift + Ctrl + KKill from start of track to current position
Keypad 0Go to base instrument + 0
Keypad 1Go to base instrument + 1
Keypad 2Go to base instrument + 2
Keypad 3Go to base instrument + 3
Keypad 4Go to base instrument + 4
Keypad 5Go to base instrument + 5
Keypad 6Go to base instrument + 6
Keypad 7Go to base instrument + 7
Keypad 8Go to base instrument + 8
Keypad 9Go to base instrument + 9
Keypad +Add 10 to base instrument
Keypad -Subtract 10 to base instrument
Ctrl + Keypad fullstopKill current instrument

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