Extended HD Recorder
The Extended HD Recorder is designed for recording buzz output in a more flexible manner that isn't limited to 16-bit PCM Wav files. Overloader comes bundled with Raw, Wav (both simple and multitrack), Ogg Vorbis, Next\Sun Audio, and Monkey's Audio formats. The extended HD recorder is able to be further extended by plugins that were coded by other coders as well.
You use the Extended HD Recorder just like the standard HD recorder, if you know how to use the HD recorder you can use this:
- Click "Select HD Plugin..."
- Select the plugin to use.
- Click "Save As..."
- Set the filename you want (this may differ from plugin to plugin, some may not use filenames -- in the future at least).
- Optionally, push "Config" to set up how the format should be written (16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit, bitrate, etc.), this will look different with each recorder plugin.
afterwards you have to ways of recording:
- Automatic - Push the "Auto Start/Stop" button, it will then stay pushed down (until you push it again), then push play, this will start the recorder as well. After stop is pushed, or the song stops by itself (looping was disabled), the recording also stops.
- Manual - Push "Rec" to start, push "Stop" to stop at any time
Note: Recording again after the recording was stopped will erase the previous recording in most plugins. this will depend on the plugin used however.
Multitrack Recording
There is a sample song called multitrack demo.bmx that shows how to use the multitrack capabilities of the extended hd recorder.
Here are the steps to do multitrack recording:
- Create Track Organizer machines in your machine view setup, and connect them in between your sections and the master like you would connect do-nothings to the master.
- The names the Track Organizers are given are usually important, they are usually how the multitrack recorder will name the output files.
- Open the Extended HD Recorder
- Select Multitrack Wav Recorder (or any other multitrack recorder plugin)
- Do the same as a ordinary recorder plugin.