Organize Favorites
The organize favorites dialog box is designed for organizing the keyboard shortcuts that are mapped to machines that you specify. The names of the machines specified must be exactly as it is shown in the right click popup window. Once you change the names of the machines, you must right click the machine view window, this is the only way that overloader can get the IDs of the menu items it has to invoke to load the machines.
The list on the left is a list of buzz machines that are found in your index.txt and your otherindex.txt. The otherindex.txt is designed for referencing non-buzz plugins (such as DX, VST, VSTi, DMO, etc.). Basically anything that is written in the hierarchies of "New machine" popup menus can be scanned and invoked from overloader. So you could even reference the various MIDI devices that are listed by Zephod MidiTracker on your system.
To add a machine to one of the textbox, push the "->" button aside that textbox to place whatever is selected into the textbox.