This file is located in your
(Jeskola)Buzz\`patchfiles Directory. There are 2 versions. One
is compatible with the officially released Overloader 149E
and the other is compatible with the Beta release 1.5 (all
versions after K).
Back up your old rebuzz.ini
Copy the ini that corresponds with the version of overloader
you have installed into your main buzz directory.
Rename it to Rebuzz.ini then
load Buzz
This file is
located in your (Jeskola)Buzz\Gear directory. Just rename
it to index.txt for it to load in buzz. If you wish to make
a backup of the already installed index.txt, just rename it
to lastindex.txt (or whatever you like)
This file is
located in your (Jeskola)Buzz\Gear directory. Extract
the both index.txt and index.plur files to your gear directory
.If you wish to make a backup
of the already installed index.txt & index.plur, just
rename it to lastindex.txt (or whatever you like).
These files are only for use with Overloader 1.5k or higher
and are not compatibale with versions prior to this.
Updated Fsm
FSM released
fixed versions of his:
Phatman (now 0.95b), FSM
WhaPro2 (now 2.2), FSM Tunaman (now 1.03), FSM Kick
The Fsm Kick
is missing some options in the "attributes" section
of the Generator. Located in your ..../gear/generators folder
you will find an "FSM Kick - Original.dll" which
is the original skinned version (with extra attributes). Read
More at Buzzmachines.com.
Much thanx goes out to FSM
for fixing these machines at XionD's request.
Uploaded User
Included are all the preset files uploaded
by users to Buzzmachines.com. They are stored in your Gear/BMPrs
directory. Read Instructions on loading presets here: