Hacking Perl

Rebuilding this perl port requires GCC 2.2.2 with ixemul.library (Removing the dependence on GCC/ixemul would be pretty non-trivial.), God only knows how much RAM (probably a bare minimum of 4Mb without loading WB), a Hard Disk, and an accelerated CPU. Well, actually the accelerater is IMHO, but if you actually do try to rebuild perl on a 7MHz 68000 using GCC, I bet you'll end up agreeing with me! The Makefile was created for use with Ben Eng's BMake, any other reasonably full-featured make should be able to digest it, though.

As configured with the Makefile, you should be able to build perl using gcc with no compilation errors (or even warnings). I've tried to preface most of the amiga-specific changes with #define AMIGA's. There really aren't tons of code changes. (The really hard part was getting it configured, etc and then isolating the little changes that were necessary (in such a big program)).