5.1 Registering mFTP
5.11 General Information
mFTP is shareware. We ask that you consider the amount of time and effort involved in producing good software for the Amiga, and we ask that you please consider registering any shareware software that you like and use regularly.
You can register mFTP via the automated online credit card ordering system, found at http://www.vapor.com. This is a totally secure way of ordering your keyfile. You simply enter your name and address, enter your credit card details, wait a couple of minutes whilst your card authorises, then your keyfile will be emailed to you within 5 minutes!
If you prefer to use the supplied registration tool, you can register from any of six registration sites around the world. Sites exist in the United Kingdom, Germany, United States, Australia, Sweden and France. For more details of the registration sites, check the registration utility included with mFTP. You should choose the site closest to you for the quickest service.
Please note: that if you have problems ordering via the online credit card ordering system, you can still order with your credit card via the registration utility. To do this, choose the products you want to order, choose the 'United Kingdom' and email (or send) your registration with your credit card information. This is also secure.
Once the registration utility is running, fill in the information requested by the program. Please note that the registration process can be expedited by using this form, rather than sending a hand written request.
You are now ready to send the form. You can send this via the Internet (securely), print the form and post it with cash/cheque/credit card or save the form.
Please make sure you do send payment with your form! If you choose to post your form then make sure you do send a cheque with your form, or your order cannot be processed!