3.3 The Batch Window
The batch window is an integral part of mFTP. It is an independent window that controls and monitors file transfer between server windows, locally and remote.
Because of its independent nature, it can be closed or opened at any time, can handle files from multiple locations, between different mFTP windows, at any one point in time. Each file within the window is completely independent.
To place a file into the batch window you need to select a file in an mFTP lister window and then press 'copy' or 'move'. The file will appear within the batch window. You can also place a file within the batch window by dragging it (via drag and drop) from an mFTP lister window to the batch window. You can drag multiple files at one time, by holding the shift or control key.
Once the file is present within the batch window, it can be controlled. If you have mFTP set to start files immediately, any file dragged or copied to the batch window, will start downloading/copying/moving immediately.
You can see the status of each file within the status window: the speed of the current download, estimated time remaining and the type of transfer (copy, move).
The start all button will start all files within the batch window. You do not need to select a file or files, all files will start as soon as you click start all. Start is file specific, you must select the file (or files) you want to start to transfer, then click the start button. Remove is the same as start but in the other direction. ie. select a file (or files), click remove and they will be removed from the batch window. Click Remove all and all files, whether they are selected or not, will be removed from the batch window.