4.1 General
- Email address: - this is where you enter your global email address required by some ftp sites. If the ftp site requires anonymous access (ie. doesn't require a login name and password), it will use the email address you entered into this box, as part of the login procedure.
- Cache Size: - the cache size on your hard drive. mFTP will store visited FTP sites and directories, so that you can read these sites, later, offline and also speed online directory access. For instance, say you visited ftp.vapor.com, went to another ftp site, then back to ftp.vapor.com, the site is almost certain not to have been updated in this short period of time. Therefore, mFTP will load the site from the cache, rather than re-reading the site contents from the remote server (thus speeding up site access).
- Cache Expire: - the expiry date for stored cache information. It is probably a good idea to keep this short. The cached sites and directories will expire (delete) after this date.
- Use Cache Online: - use the cache system whilst online. mFTP II will always attempt to locate a site directory via the cache system, rather than online, if the site/directory is available within the cache. If you check this option off, mFTP will never attempt to access the cache whilst online. Therefore mFTP will always retrieve the directory information from the remote server at all times.
- Confirm delete - always confirm the deletion of files within mFTP. If you select a file (or collection of files) within a file lister, then press 'deleted', mFTP will warn you that you are about to delete the files and ask you if you want to continue.
- Auto update - automatically update the file listers when a file is received within the lister. For instance, in dual window mode, if you copy a file from the local window to the remote window, the remote window will update to show this file is present.
- Start batch immediately - start downloading files within the batch window as soon as files are present. ie. as soon as you copy a file to the batch window or drag a file (or files) to the batch window, they will start to download. If you have this option checked off, the files will remain static until you select the 'start' or 'start all' button on the batch window.
- Close batch if empty - if no files are present within the batch window, the batch window will close. For instance, once you have finished downloading files within the batch window, those files will dissapear from the batch list. If you have this option checked off, the batch window will remain open. If it is checked on, the batch window will be closed.
- View using MIMEPrefs - view files via your MIME preferences which are set by the external MIME settings window.