vs package contains the mult user shared behavior API.
public abstract class Field implements Cloneable { O public Object clone(); } public abstract class ConstField extends Field { } public abstract class ConstMField extends ConstField { O public abstract int getSize(); } public abstract class MField extends Field { O public abstract int getSize(); X public abstract void clear(); X public abstract void delete(int index); } public class Event implements Cloneable { O public String getName(); O public double getTimeStamp(); O public ConstField getValue(); O public Object clone(); } public class Browser { // Browser interface O public String getName(); O public String getVersion(); X public float getCurrentSpeed(); X public float getCurrentFrameRate(); O public String getWorldURL(); X public void replaceWorld(BaseNode[] nodes); O public BaseNode[] createVrmlFromString(String vrmlSyntax) throws InvalidVRMLSyntaxException; O public void createVrmlFromURL(String[] url, BaseNode node, String event) O public void addRoute(BaseNode fromNode, String fromEventOut, BaseNode toNode, String toEventIn); O public void deleteRoute(BaseNode fromNode, String fromEventOut, BaseNode toNode, String toEventIn); O public void loadURL(String[] url, String[] parameter) O public void setDescription(String description); } // // This is the general BaseNode class // public abstract class BaseNode { // Returns the type of the node. If the node is a prototype // it returns the name of the prototype. O public String getType(); // Get the Browser that this node is contained in. O public Browser getBrowser(); }
public class ConstSFBool extends ConstField { O public boolean getValue(); } public class ConstSFColor extends ConstField { O public void getValue(float color[]); O public float getRed(); O public float getGreen(); O public float getBlue(); } public class ConstSFFloat extends ConstField { O public float getValue(); } Xpublic class ConstSFImage extends ConstField { X public int getWidth(); X public int getHeight(); X public int getComponents(); X public void getPixels(byte pixels[]); } public class ConstSFInt32 extends ConstField { O public int getValue(); } public class ConstSFNode extends ConstField { /* ***************************************** * Return value of getValue() must extend BaseNode class. * The concrete class is implementation dependent * and up to browser implementation. ****************************************** */ O public BaseNode getValue(); } public class ConstSFRotation extends ConstField { O public void getValue(float[] rotation); } public class ConstSFString extends ConstField { O public String getValue(); } public class ConstSFTime extends ConstField { O public double getValue(); } public class ConstSFVec2f extends ConstField { O public void getValue(float vec2[]); O public float getX(); O public float getY(); } public class ConstSFVec3f extends ConstField { O public void getValue(float vec3[]); O public float getX(); O public float getY(); O public float getZ(); } public class ConstMFColor extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(float colors[][]); O public void getValue(float colors[]); * public void get1Value(int index, float color[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFColor color); } public class ConstMFFloat extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(float values[]); * public float get1Value(int index); } public class ConstMFInt32 extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(int values[]); * public int get1Value(int index); } Xpublic class ConstMFNode extends ConstMField { /****************************************** * Return value of getValue() must extend BaseNode class. * The concrete class is implementation dependent * and up to browser implementation. *******************************************/ O public void getValue(BaseNode values[]); X public BaseNode get1Value(int index); } public class ConstMFRotation extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(float rotations[][]); O public void getValue(float rotations[]); * public void get1Value(int index, float rotation[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFRotation rotation); } public class ConstMFString extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(String values[]); * public String get1Value(int index); } public class ConstMFTime extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(double times[]); * public double get1Value(int index); } public class ConstMFVec2f extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(float vecs[][]); O public void getValue(float vecs[]); * public void get1Value(int index, float vec[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFVec2f vec); } public class ConstMFVec3f extends ConstMField { O public void getValue(float vecs[][]); O public void getValue(float vecs[]); * public void get1Value(int index, float vec[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFVec3f vec); } public class SFBool extends Field { O public SFBool(boolean value); O public boolean getValue(); O public void setValue(boolean b); O public void setValue(ConstSFBool b); O public void setValue(SFBool b); } public class SFColor extends Field { O public SFColor(float red, float green, float blue); O public void getValue(float color[]); O public float getRed(); O public float getGreen(); O public float getBlue(); O public void setValue(float color[]); O public void setValue(float red, float green, float blue); O public void setValue(ConstSFColor color); O public void setValue(SFColor color); } public class SFFloat extends Field { O public SFFloat(float f); O public float getValue(); O public void setValue(float f); O public void setValue(ConstSFFloat f); O public void setValue(SFFloat f); } Xpublic class SFImage extends Field { X public SFImage(int width, int height, int components, byte pixels[]); X public int getWidth(); X public int getHeight(); X public int getComponents(); X public void getPixels(byte pixels[]); X public void setValue(int width, int height, int components, byte pixels[]); X public void setValue(ConstSFImage image); X public void setValue(SFImage image); } public class SFInt32 extends Field { O public SFInt32(int value); O public int getValue(); O public void setValue(int i); O public void setValue(ConstSFInt32 i); O public void setValue(SFInt32 i); } public class SFNode extends Field { O public SFNode(BaseNode node); /****************************************** * Return value of getValue() must extend BaseNode class. * The concrete class is implementation dependent * and up to browser implementation. *******************************************/ O public BaseNode getValue(); O public void setValue(BaseNode node); O public void setValue(ConstSFNode node); O public void setValue(SFNode node); } public class SFRotation extends Field { O public SFRotation(float axisX, float axisY, float axisZ, float rotation); O public void getValue(float[] rotation); O public void setValue(float[] rotation); O public void setValue(float axisX, float axisY, float axisZ, float rotation); O public void setValue(ConstSFRotation rotation); O public void setValue(SFRotation rotation); } public class SFString extends Field { O public SFString(String s); O public String getValue(); O public void setValue(String s); O public void setValue(ConstSFString s); O public void setValue(SFString s); } public class SFTime extends Field { O public SFTime(double time); O public double getValue(); O public void setValue(double time); O public void setValue(ConstSFTime time); O public void setValue(SFTime time); } public class SFVec2f extends Field { O public SFVec2f(float x, float y); O public void getValue(float vec[]); O public float getX(); O public float getY(); O public void setValue(float vec[]); O public void setValue(float x, float y); O public void setValue(ConstSFVec2f vec); O public void setValue(SFVec2f vec); } public class SFVec3f extends Field { O public SFVec3f(float x, float y, float z); O public void getValue(float vec[]); O public float getX(); O public float getY(); O public float getZ(); O public void setValue(float vec[]); O public void setValue(float x, float y, float z); O public void setValue(ConstSFVec3f vec); O public void setValue(SFVec3f vec); } public class MFColor extends MField { O public MFColor(float value[][]); O public MFColor(float value[]); O public MFColor(int size, float value[]); O public void getValue(float colors[][]); O public void getValue(float colors[]); O public void setValue(float colors[][]); O public void setValue(int size, float colors[]); /**************************************************** color[0] ... color[size - 1] are used as color data in the way that color[0], color[1], and color[2] represent the first color. The number of colors is defined as "size / 3". ***************************************************/ O public void setValue(ConstMFColor colors); * public void get1Value(int index, float color[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFColor color); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFColor color); * public void set1Value(int index, SFColor color); * public void set1Value(int index, float red, float green, float blue); * public void addValue(ConstSFColor color); * public void addValue(SFColor color); * public void addValue(float red, float green, float blue); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFColor color); * public void insertValue(int index, SFColor color); * public void insertValue(int index, float red, float green, float blue); } public class MFFloat extends MField { O public MFFloat(float values[]); O public void getValue(float values[]); O public void setValue(float values[]); O public void setValue(int size, float values[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFFloat value); * public float get1Value(int index); * public void set1Value(int index, float f); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFFloat f); * public void set1Value(int index, SFFloat f); * public void addValue(float f); * public void addValue(ConstSFFloat f); * public void addValue(SFFloat f); * public void insertValue(int index, float f); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFFloat f); * public void insertValue(int index, SFFloat f); } public class MFInt32 extends MField { O public MFInt32(int values[]); O public void getValue(int values[]); O public void setValue(int values[]); O public void setValue(int size, int values[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFInt32 value); * public int get1Value(int index); * public void set1Value(int index, int i); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFInt32 i); * public void set1Value(int index, SFInt32 i); * public void addValue(int i); * public void addValue(ConstSFInt32 i); * public void addValue(SFInt32 i); * public void insertValue(int index, int i); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFInt32 i); * public void insertValue(int index, SFInt32 i); } public class MFNode extends MField { O public MFNode(BaseNode node[]); /****************************************** * Return value of getValue() must extend BaseNode class. * The concrete class is implementation dependent * and up to browser implementation. *******************************************/ O public void getValue(BaseNode node[]); O public void setValue(BaseNode node[]); O public void setValue(int size, BaseNode node[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFNode node); * public BaseNode get1Value(int index); * public void set1Value(int index, BaseNode node); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFNode node); * public void set1Value(int index, SFNode node); * public void addValue(BaseNode node); * public void addValue(ConstSFNode node); * public void addValue(SFNode node); * public void insertValue(int index, BaseNode node); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFNode node); * public void insertValue(int index, SFNode node); } public class MFRotation extends MField { O public MFRotation(float rotations[][]); O public MFRotation(float rotations[]); O public MFRotation(int size, float rotations[]); O public void getValue(float rotations[][]); O public void getValue(float rotations[]); O public void setValue(float rotations[][]) O public void setValue(int size, float rotations[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFRotation rotations); * public void get1Value(int index, float rotation[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFRotation rotation); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFRotation rotation); * public void set1Value(int index, SFRotation rotation); * public void set1Value(int index, float ax, float ay, float az, float angle); * public void addValue(ConstSFRotation rotation); * public void addValue(SFRotation rotation); * public void addValue(float ax, float ay, float az, float angle); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFRotation rotation); * public void insertValue(int index, SFRotation rotation); * public void insertValue(int index, float ax, float ay, float az, float angle); } public class MFString extends MField { O public MFString(String s[]); O public void getValue(String s[]); O public void setValue(String s[]); O public void setValue(int size, String s[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFString s); * public String get1Value(int index); * public void set1Value(int index, String s); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFString s); * public void set1Value(int index, SFString s); * public void addValue(String s); * public void addValue(ConstSFString s); * public void addValue(SFString s); * public void insertValue(int index, String s); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFString s); * public void insertValue(int index, SFString s); } public class MFTime extends MField { O public MFTime(double times[]); O public void getValue(double times[]); O public void setValue(double times[]); O public void setValue(int size, double times[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFTime times); * public double get1Value(int index); * public void set1Value(int index, double time); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFTime time); * public void set1Value(int index, SFTime time); * public void addValue(double time); * public void addValue(ConstSFTime time); * public void addValue(SFTime time); * public void insertValue(int index, double time); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFTime time); * public void insertValue(int index, SFTime time); } public class MFVec2f extends MField { O public MFVec2f(float vecs[][]); O public MFVec2f(float vecs[]); O public MFVec2f(int size, float vecs[]); O public void getValue(float vecs[][]); O public void getValue(float vecs[]); O public void setValue(float vecs[][]); O public void setValue(int size, vecs[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFVec2f vecs); * public void get1Value(int index, float vec[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFVec2f vec); * public void set1Value(int index, float x, float y); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFVec2f vec); * public void set1Value(int index, SFVec2f vec); * public void addValue(float x, float y); * public void addValue(ConstSFVec2f vec); * public void addValue(SFVec2f vec); * public void insertValue(int index, float x, float y); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFVec2f vec); * public void insertValue(int index, SFVec2f vec); } public class MFVec3f extends MField { O public MFVec3f(float vecs[][]); O public MFVec3f(float vecs[]); O public MFVec3f(int size, float vecs[]); O public void getValue(float vecs[][]); O public void getValue(float vecs[]); O public void setValue(float vecs[][]); O public void setValue(int size, float vecs[]); O public void setValue(ConstMFVec3f vecs); * public void get1Value(int index, float vec[]); * public void get1Value(int index, SFVec3f vec); * public void set1Value(int index, float x, float y, float z); * public void set1Value(int index, ConstSFVec3f vec); * public void set1Value(int index, SFVec3f vec); * public void addValue(float x, float y, float z); * public void addValue(ConstSFVec3f vec); * public void addValue(SFVec3f vec); * public void insertValue(int index, float x, float y, float z); * public void insertValue(int index, ConstSFVec3f vec); * public void insertValue(int index, SFVec3f vec); }
// // This is the general Node class // public abstract class Node extends BaseNode { // Get an EventIn by name. Return value is write-only. // Throws an InvalidEventInException if eventInName isn't a valid // event in name for a node of this type. O public final Field getEventIn(String fieldName); // Get an EventOut by name. Return value is read-only. // Throws an InvalidEventOutException if eventOutName isn't a valid // event out name for a node of this type. O public final ConstField getEventOut(String fieldName); // Get an exposed field by name. // Throws an InvalidExposedFieldException if fieldName isn't a valid // exposed field name for a node of this type. O public final Field getExposedField(String fieldName); } // // This is the general Script class, to be subclassed by all scripts. // Note that the provided methods allow the script author to explicitly // throw tailored exceptions in case something goes wrong in the // script. // public abstract class Script extends BaseNode { // This method is called before any event is generated O public void initialize(); // Get a Field by name. // Throws an InvalidFieldException if fieldName isn't a valid // event in name for a node of this type. O protected final Field getField(String fieldName); // Get an EventOut by name. // Throws an InvalidEventOutException if eventOutName isn't a valid // event out name for a node of this type. O protected final Field getEventOut(String fieldName); // Get an EventIn by name. retrun value is write only. // Throws an InvalidEventInException if eventOutName isn't a valid // event out name for a node of this type. O protected final Field getEventIn(String fieldName); // processEvents() is called automatically when the script receives // some set of events. It should not be called directly except by its subclass. // count indicates the number of events delivered. O public void processEvents(int count, Event events[]); // processEvent() is called automatically when the script receives // an event. O public void processEvent(Event event); // eventsProcessed() is called after every invocation of processEvents(). O public void eventsProcessed() // shutdown() is called when this Script node is deleted. O public void shutdown(); }