Community Place Browser Change Log

version 2.0 alpha2 Helper (Jan 1997)

  1. When you enjoyed voice chatting, you could hear your own voice. Since it is noisy, the echo is canceled.
  2. When you connected to the voice chatting server inside a FireWall, Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed. But you can not connect to the voice chatting server inside a FireWall.

version 1.1 Helper and Plug-in (Jan 1997)

  1. OrientationInterpolator didn't work properly. The bug is fixed.
  2. Some bugs concerning client-server communication are fixed.
  3. The "type" field of NavigationInfo supports "NONE".
  4. Character misprinting in the chat window is fixed.
  5. Strict syntax checking for field values is introduced.
  6. Previously when you used "IS" of SFNode or MFNode in a PROTO definition, Community Place Browser was down. This bug is fixed.
  7. Previously when you mapped an eventIn to an eventIn of Script node in a PROTO by using IS, it didn't work. It is available now.
  8. Previously when you reloaded a file that included a PROTO in which any node was not defined, Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed.
  9. Previously when a PROTO definition has a Transform whose translation field is exposed as a parameter of the PROTO, the default value of the translation field was not set properly. The bug is fixed.
  10. The previous implementation did not allow EXTERNPROTO declaration with fields which have no default values. But this is wrong from the viewpoint of VRML2.0 specification. The current implementation parses EXTERNPROTO correctly.
  11. When the "point" field of IndexedFaceSet or IndexedLineSet was NULL, Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed.
  12. When "STOP" button was pushed, Community Place Browser sometimes got confused. The bug is fixed.
  13. Sometimes when you used TouchSensor, it's "enabled" field didn't work properly. The bug is fixed.
  14. The eventOut of "isActive" filed of Proximity Sensor didn't work properly in a PROTO.The bug is fixed.
  15. If you moved a mouse pointer to an object which was linked by Anchor node that didn't have "url" or "description" field, Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed.
  16. Sometimes when you loaded VRML1.0 file, Community Place Browser was down.The bug is fixed.
  17. When you loaded a file on another Java thread, Community Place Browser got confused. The bug is fixed.
  18. Some files were created in \windows\temp by using "createVrmlString" function. Now they are not created anywhere.
  19. Script node's "url" field ignores VRMLScript and uses the first valid url specifying the Java class file.
  20. Community Place Browser supports files generated by gzip compresser. The valid file names are as follows: (1) foo.wrl.gz, (2) foo_wrl.gz (whose original file name was foo.wrl), (3) foo.wrl (whose original file name was also foo.wrl. that is, the original file and the compressed file have the same name.)
  21. Community Place Browser supports fundamental part of drag sensors (PlaneSensor, SphereSensor).

version 1.1 Plug-in Only (Jan 1997)

  1. Community Place Browser Plug-In can show Error message properly.
  2. Sometimes when you selected Avatar, Community Place Browser Plug-In and Netscape were down.The bug is fixed.
  3. Sometimes when the file which was used by the "url" field of an Inline node didn't exist, Community Place Browser Plug-In could wait forever. The bug is fixed.
  4. Sometimes when you reloaded a world, Java class files were not reloaded. The bug is fixed.

version 1.1 Helper Only (Jan 1997)

  1. Helper Version of Community Place Browser can select if it shows or hides the tool bar and the navigation bar.