Community Place Browser Change Log
version 2.0 alpha2 Helper (Jan 1997)
- When you enjoyed voice chatting, you could hear your own voice.
Since it is noisy, the echo is canceled.
- When you connected to the voice chatting server inside a FireWall,
Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed. But you can not
connect to the voice chatting server inside a FireWall.
version 1.1 Helper and Plug-in (Jan 1997)
- OrientationInterpolator didn't work properly. The bug is fixed.
- Some bugs concerning client-server communication are fixed.
- The "type" field of NavigationInfo supports "NONE".
- Character misprinting in the chat window is fixed.
- Strict syntax checking for field values is introduced.
- Previously when you used "IS" of SFNode or MFNode in a PROTO definition,
Community Place Browser was down. This bug is fixed.
- Previously when you mapped an eventIn to an eventIn of Script node
in a PROTO by using IS, it didn't work. It is available now.
- Previously when you reloaded a file that included a PROTO in which
any node was not defined, Community Place Browser was down.
The bug is fixed.
- Previously when a PROTO definition has a Transform whose translation field
is exposed as a parameter of the PROTO, the default value of the translation
field was not set properly. The bug is fixed.
- Now we can specify default values in EXTERNPROTO's declaration.
- When the "point" field of IndexedFaceSet or IndexedLineSet was NULL,
Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed.
- When "STOP" button was pushed, Community Place Browser sometimes got
confused. The bug is fixed.
- Sometimes when you used TouchSensor, it's "enabled" field didn't work
properly. The bug is fixed.
- The eventOut of "isActive" filed of Proximity Sensor didn't work
properly in a PROTO.The bug is fixed.
- If you moved a mouse pointer to an object which was linked by
Anchor node that didn't have "url" or "description" field,
Community Place Browser was down. The bug is fixed.
- Sometimes when you loaded VRML1.0 file, Community Place Browser
was down.The bug is fixed.
- When you loaded a file on another Java thread, Community Place
Browser got confused. The bug is fixed.
- Some files were created in \windows\temp by using "createVrmlString"
function. Now they are not created anywhere.
- Script node's "url" field ignores VRMLScript and uses the first valid
url specifying the Java class file.
- Community Place Browser supports files generated by gzip compresser.
The valid file names are as follows: (1) foo.wrl.gz, (2) foo_wrl.gz (whose
original file name was foo.wrl), (3) foo.wrl (whose original file name was
also foo.wrl. that is, the original file and the compressed file have the
same name.)
- Community Place Browser supports fundamental part of drag sensors
(PlaneSensor, SphereSensor).
version 1.1 Plug-in Only (Jan 1997)
- Community Place Browser Plug-In can show Error message properly.
- Sometimes when you selected Avatar, Community Place Browser Plug-In
and Netscape were down.The bug is fixed.
- Sometimes when the file which was used by the "url" field of
an Inline node didn't exist, Community Place Browser Plug-In could wait
forever. The bug is fixed.
- Sometimes when you reloaded a world, Java class files were not
reloaded. The bug is fixed.
version 1.1 Helper Only (Jan 1997)
- Helper Version of Community Place Browser can select
if it shows or hides the tool bar and the navigation bar.