Updated the links page with new links and symbols to help you find what you're looking for.
Began rewriting the article on pointers. Not near finish, but there's some stuff up there - tell me if you like it (yay or nay ).
Added a couple "nifty" banner links to my page.
Added three new q/a's to the "Frequently Asked Questions". Including: information on arrays and pointers, pausing the end of your program, and arrays of structures.
Fixed bugs throughout "Beginning Arrays" page (thanx Jesse)
Completed "String Breakdown"!
Totally re-organized entire page! Also added lots of new sections, take a gander around!
Was added to the Mining Co.'s links under "Beginning C++". You can find me here.
Tested and debugged page under Netscape 2.
Mostly cosmetic updates to show everyone I'm still alive and trying to keep this site afloat!
Fixed feedback form to work for Netscape 3 users.
Stuck all the sections about Arrays under one roof.
Lots of positive feedback of late! I will try my best to keep this site to par with your hunger for C++. C++ C++ me want C++! Anyway, from now I'll tell you what I've recently updated in this little box here and keep a back log here.
New links, including another Free Compiler and info on Win32 API
I go off on destructors!
Continuing on my most recent tutorial, picking up again at memcpy().