Thank You

In this chapter I want to thank everybody who helped me with the development of ProANSI. Without these people, ProANSI wouldn't have been the program it is today.

 First I want to thank Albert-Jan Brouwer for his support when I'd encountered some weird crashes. Since I didn't have a MMU, I couldn't use the ``Enforcer'', so he did this for me. In the end, we discovered the bug, but without his help I would probably never have found it.

 Secondly I want to thank all the beta testers, who came up with some nice ideas and lots of bug reports. I want to thank Leo Elsinga for coming up with the name for my editor. Thanks also go to: Cor Knijnenburg, Aad Nieuwmans, Louis Roggeveen, Rene Te Pas, RenĂ© Kuipers, Ed Mirck, Peter Kist, Peter Hagen and Frank Groen.

 Finally I want to thank Bard Papegaaij for learning me how to program in `C' and especially how to handle large projects. And, last but not least, Joost Boerhout for sending me the documents of the ANSI/VT100 standards.

 Of course, there will be many people I've forgotten, so please don't be angry if your name isn't here. Just contact me and I will fix it!