In this menu you'll find all edit operations that can be performed when in animation mode. Most of them have something to do with the undo/redo buffer, which is used when making an animation. If you're not in animation mode, this entire menu will be ghosted, and therefore no items can be selected.
With the Undo function you can take back your edit operations step by step. If you undo something it will not be lost, so you can also undo some steps, then add some new, and finally redo the steps you'd undone.
Simply repeats the Undo operation until it arrives at the blank (black) screen you started with.
This operation works like the Undo option except for the fact that a Zap Undo can't be taken back by the Redo option (it is gone, therefore the name `zap').
With the `redo' function you can redo everything you've removed with `undo'.
Calls the Redo function until it arrives at the end of the undo/redo buffer.
Kills all characters in the redo buffer. This is useful when you want to delete the `rest' of an animation.