Be A Philippine Pavilion Sponsor
This year, the international community of Internet users are having the first ever Internet World Exposition. The World Expo, like the World Fairs of the 1800's, is intended to promote international cooperation and awareness as well as to showcase the best that information technology has to offer. Unlike the past expositions however, "pavilions" will not exist physically in one geographic area, but can be accessed worldwide as virtual pavilions on the Internet. The Philippines, through the efforts of the Philippine Network Foundation (PFI), Inc., is one of the original 32 participating countries of the 1996 World Expo. Through our participation, we hope to not only showcase Filipino talent in technology, but also to promote locally made products, business opportunities and the Philippines in general. We are also slated to feature the forthcoming APEC meeting which will be internationally highlighted in November. The World Expo will focus on our special event pavilion in November, mirroring the contents of our server in Europe, the United States of America and Asia for ease of access throughout the world. We would also like to take advantage of the exposure during this period to promote the centennial celebration of the Philippines in 1998 by putting in information on preparations for the centennial. Your assistance is therefore solicited in making the Philippine participation something we can truly be proud of. Local sponsorship involves donating to PFI, either in any combination of cash, goods or services for which your company's WWW homepage will be linked to the sponsors section of the main Philippine pavilion homepage until the end of the World Expo in December. A major sponsor's donation should amount to at least P300,000.00. Minor sponsors may donate anywhere from P150,000.00 to P300,000.00.
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