Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 11/25/96The Manila summit was supposed to be a time for action in Subic bay today APEC leaders take a few cautious yet concrete steps toward achieving their vision of free trade in the next century. No question about it, the Philippines scored a triumph in hosting this year's APEC summit. The elaborate security preparations paid off. President Ramos welcomed 17 heads of state at the leaders hall dressed in the traditional barong the APEC leaders made their individual commitments towards the goal of free trade.
The leaders discussed their action plans and glossed over their differences in the end the heads of state approved the Manila Action Plan submitted by their ministers. President Ramos read the joint declaration which went beyond the recommended language. They also promised to take concrete measures to open up trade barriers by the year 2020. It was also a triumph for the United States. The U.S. wanted to open trade in computers, software and telecoms gear. President Clinton managed to persuade the other APEC leaders to accept 2000 as the deadline for cutting tariffs on these products. Not all leaders agreed on how to do it, though. But opponents like Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia will still have a say on the matter. Despite the remaining disagreement on the issue the leaders took a stronger stand now, APEC's lofty goals have a better chance of becoming a reality.
Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 11/25/96From here on then the private sector will have an enormous role in making APEC's free trade agenda a reality. In their joint declaration today APEC leaders affirmed the "central role of the business sector in the APEC process." The APEC business advisory council set up this year to advise APEC on business matters held its first meeting last week.
APEC leaders in Subic today endorsed the business council's call to facilitate the movement of business people strengthen investment protection and involve the private sector in infrastructure planning. Businessmen who participated in APEC-related conferences say the economic changes APEC would bring would be gradual contrary to what critics fear. Although growth would bring pain to some sectors they say most would adapt to the change and survive.
Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 11/25/96APEC was not just a coming-out party for the country it also gave the leftist movement a new rallying point. In Olongapo City at least 5 people were injured after a scuffle between supporters and opponents of the APEC summit. Police arrested one person after breaking up the fight which erupted when both groups bumped into each other outside a public market. In Dinalupihan police blocked the highway leading to Olongapo to prevent about leftist protesters from entering the city. The caravan and the blockade bottled up traffic for kilometers and stranded thousands of commuters. They demonstrators eventually turned back but their leaders sent a letter outlining their concerns to Executive Secretary Ruben Torres.
Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 11/25/96Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto promises full support to the Philippines' social development by committing more official development assistance funds for the country. In a press conference this evening Hashimoto said ODA will continue flowing into the Philippines despite some questions the Japanese government is raising on the Philippine ODA law. Hashimoto says the law is not a problem. in his bilateral talks with President Ramos yesterday Hashimoto told President Ramos that Japan will continue putting in money into the Philippine economy particularly for infrastructure projects in Mindanao.
Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 11/25/96After President Ramos read the declaration of the APEC leaders all eyes were focused on Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad. Mahathir is opposed to cutting tariffs information technology products by the year 2000. Japan supports the proposal. Information technology is one of the biggest industries in the U.S. and Japan. Mahathir proceeded to hold a briefing at the Grand Season's Hotel a Malaysian-owned Hotel at the SBMA. Mahathir insists the declaration is not binding.
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Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 11/25/96The summit was also an opportunity to showcase the barong. What began as a protest statement was a fashion statement at the leaders' summit. President Clinton liked it cool and airy he said. Ramos explained the top button should undone. The barong was made from a blend the traditional Pinya fiber and silk, so the leaders did not have to worry about their shirt getting wrinkled.
Indonesia started the trend, Suharto made his guests wear custom-made batik, Clinton's had an American eagle design on his. In Osaka the leaders simply settled for the sport coat popular among Japanese businessmen. In Manila APEC 1996, the barong was the fashion. Designed for the Philippine climate the barong also began as protest statement Filipinos in Spanish colonial Philippines tucked out their shirt to distinguish themselves from Spaniards. In Subic bay the barong was a symbol for the disappearing borders among cultures.