Newscast: The World Tonight - Broadcast date: 12/04/96
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Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

For the first time, President Ramos spoke out on the land deal between the Public Estates Authority (PEA) and Amari Coastal Bay Development Corporation (ACBDC). Ramos says he gave the project his blessings because it was part of the government's plan to develop the Manila Bay area. Manila Bay is famous for its sunsets. Roxas Boulevard provides a majestic view. Under a plan dubbed "Boulevard 2000", the government will develop the area. "Boulevard 2000" is the reason the PEA got into a land deal with ACBDC. Amari is a joint venture of Ital-Thai and Guoco Holdings. Maceda claims the deal is full of anomalies.

Today, Amari broke its silence saying the deal is above board. Amari got the land for P1,200 per square meter. Maceda says this is way below the average price of P90,000 to P400,000 per square meter. But Amari explains, that's because most of the land has yet to be reclaimed from the bay. Maceda had accused the Lakas party of getting kickbacks from the deal and using it in last year's elections. The president is challenging critics to check his party's financial records at the Comelec.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

The Commission on Appointments has suspended hearings on Amado Lagdameo's appointment as Transportation Secretary. He has already been bypassed 4 times. Commission chairman Ernesto Maceda says hearings will resume after a fact-finding committee completes its investigation of Lagdameo. Maceda accused Lagdameo of entering into an anomalous land deal. But CA member Congressman Antonio Cuenco, says hearings should go on to give Lagdameo a chance to clear himself.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

For the state's University of the Philippines, a mixed-use commercial complex in its Diliman campus is its answer to better education. UP students get only a $1,000 subsidy. University officials, however, want to increase this without having to ask more from the government.

At present, UP enjoys a P2.839 billion subsidy from the government. The amount already accounts for 25 percent of the national budget for higher education institutions. To raise more funds, the state university proposed the development of 84 hectares of its Commonwealth property. Reputable property developers will be invited to bid for a joint venture. A 75-year lease on the property is expected to raise at least P10 billion in shares of stocks and at least P600 million a year in dividends. The profits will go into developing its five main campuses. Proponents of the commonwealth property development, say the project will not disturb the academic areas which are separated by Commonwealth Avenue. They want to develop the property soon, or the government or the squatters, might take it away from them.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

Ferensic experts examined the skeletal remains of five people found in different parts of Western Mindanao. The five disappeared over the last 10 years, which bolsters claims that human rights abuses continued even after Marcos's ouster. Dead people are said to tell no tales. But today, with the help of two forensic experts, five skeletons told their story. Holes in the skulls, according to experts, suggest they've been shot. One of the victims bore indications of being stabbed several times.

In a news conference, the Families of victims of Involuntary Disappearances (FIND), say the five may have been dead for 10 years. That means human rights abuses in the country continued even after the ouster of Marcos in 1986. The victims' families are demanding justice and are planning to press charges. Human Rights Commissioner Vicente Sibulo admits such abuses occurred even after the EDSA Revolution. But they have significantly declined since then. FIND says they've documented 1,636 of unexplained disappearances in the last 20 years, 46 cases of which happened under the Ramos administration.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

While fuel prices went up today, the Energy Regulatory Board says prices may go down in 10 days when the ERB conducts a price review on December 15.

ERB chairman Bayani Faylona says oil prices in the international market are on a downtrend. Faylona adds the public should get used to the monthly price adjustments since this is part of the deregulation of the oil industry. And before the year ends, taxi fares may go up by P4.00. Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) chairman Dante Lantin, says they might approve next week the petition of taxi operators for a P4 increase in the flagdown rate. Lantin stresses, this is not an offshoot of yesterday's fuel price adjustment. Lantin also assures bus and jeepney operators will no longer seek any fare increase this year.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

President Ramos says there is no new buildup of Chinese forces in Mischief Reef. Last week, Senator Blas Ople claimed China has been strengthening its presence in the area. The president declassified a confidential report and showed pictures to disprove Ople's claim. The latest pictures were taken by the National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) and the defense department. They show no additional Chinese structures in the island.

Meanwhile, the President once again says no to a second term. He may be a tough act to follow, as some businessmen believe. But whatever he does after 1998, President Ramos says he will not become another Lee Kuan Yew. Members of the business community credit the President for the country's economic turn-around. And more recently, for the success of the APEC Summit. If it were not for the Constitutional ban on a second term, they'd rather Ramos stay in power.

Two months ago, businessman Jose Concepcion suggested Ramos assume a role similar to Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew. At least, until the year 2000. The President would have none of it. Businessmen say Ramos is a tough act to follow. But the politicians believe, the business sector may be giving Ramos too much credit. To assure businessmen that current economic advances will continue after 1998, Ramos is being asked to name his choice for successor. But he's keeping silent on the matter. As to what he will do after stepping down, Ramos would rather keep quiet, too.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

President Ramos doused fears the economy is overheating following nine months of robust growth. The President says he does not expect inflation to rise this December despite the recent round of oil price hikes. Mr. Ramos said there is more room in the Philippines for more investments.

Last week's announcement that the GNP grew by 7.1 percent prompted businessmen to watch out for dangers signs of a bubble bursting. Also, exports rose by 16.7 percent last October compared to a year earlier, thanks to strong sales of electronic products. But the $1.88 billion exports in October represented only a 0.5 percent increase from September's total. Garments placed second among top exports, but sales are slowing down due to stiff competition from countries with lower labor cost.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

THE multi-billion peso airport terminal is set to be awarded to People's Air Cargo and Warehousing Company, a consortium in which German airline Lufthansa has a stake. Transportation Undersecratary Primitivo Cal says Asia's Emerging Dragon, controlled by the country's six richest taipans lost its right to match Paircargo's bid since the prescribed period lapsed yesterday. Cal said the contract would be drafted after Paircargo complies with certain conditions, including proof of equity buildup, firm commitment from financing institutions, and posting of performance bonds.

Subject: POC / GINEBRA
Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

Newly elected Philippine Olympic Committee President Cristy Ramos-Jalasco, says she will introduce changes in the country's premier sports body. Jalasco will assume office on January 1, 1997. She says she will help lesser-known sports get funding. But she wants them to do their share in making themselves self-reliant. She adds, national sports associations should maintain their independence and decide things for themselves.

Soft tennis will now be included in the Asian Games, POC Vice President Buddy Andrada announced today. It is believed that Jalasco's winning margin of 1 vote in the POC elections, was courtesy of the Soft Tennis Association.

Meanwhile, a day after earning the right to play against Alaska in the finals, Ginebra San Miguel is confident of nailing their first title in five years. Everyone in the team believes that their time has finally come.

Newscast: TWTONITE - Air Date: 12/04/96

"Conscience and reputation are two things. Conscience is due to yourself; reputation to your neighbor."
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