Warning: This is not a fancy Web Site. It's just a great story.

The Farnsworth Chronicles

Photo of Philo T. Farnsworth

please start by reading the
  1. "This Place Has Electricity"
  2. "The Daring of This Boy's Mind"
  3. "An Eerie Electronic Hue"
  4. "Something A Banker Will Understand"
  5. "A Beautiful Instrument"
  6. "Nothing Here We'll Need"
  7. "Suspended Animation"
  8. "We Want CASH!"
  9. "You're All Fired!"
Bonus Feature:
The Pre-History of Television

Last Month's Bonus Feature:
The ElectroMagnetic Spectrum Has the Blues

Hey, somebody thinks Philo is COOL! Thanks to Spider's Pick of the Day (09/17)
and The Geek Site of the Day (09/20) for making this a "Cool Site of the Day"

The Farnsworth Chronicles has also been rated one of the

that, and 25 cents, will get you a phone call anywhere in the United States...

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Music Alliance
Local Music for Global Audience

⌐ 1977, 1995, 1996 Paul Schatzkin; All Rights Reserved
For more information contact: perfessr@songs.com