Order of Battle, Polish Independent Parachute Brigade Group

Details of the fly-in of units, spread out as they were over four lifts, are too complicated to be usefully included. Casualties include some incurred when the brigade remained in action after the main Arnhem battle ended. 'Wounded' are those evacuated safely to the Allied rear.

Brigade HQ (Maj.-Gen. S. F. Sosabowski)

Based at Rock House, Stamford. Went in: 104 men plus 9 British liaison officers; died: 5 (including one in a motor accident); missing: 15; wounded: 16.
  • 1st Battalion (Maj. M. Tonn)

    Based at Easton-on-the-Hill. Went in: 354 men; died: I 1; missing: 4; wounded: 28.
  • 2nd Battalion (Maj. W. Ploszewski)

    Based at Wansford. Went in: 351 men; died: I I - missing: 7. wounded: 33.
  • 3rd Battalion (Capt. W. Sobocinski)

    Based at Peterborough. Went in: 374 men; died. 30; missing: 39; wounded: 48.
  • Anti-Tank Battery (Capt. J. K. Wardzala, prisoner of war)

    Based at Blatherwycke. Went in: 132 men; died: 20; missing: 29; wounded: 30.
  • Engineer Company (Capt. P. Budziszcwski)

    Based at Wansford. Went in 133 men; died: 2; missing: 1; wounded: 20.
  • Signals Company (Capt. J. Burzawa)

    Based at Easton-on-the-Hill. Went in: 93 men; died: 7 or 8; missing: 10; wounded: 16.
  • Medical Company (Lt J. Mozdzierz)

    Based at Stamford and Blatherwycke. Went in: 90 men; died: 2; missing: 7; wounded: 13.
  • Transport and Supply Company (Capt. A. Siudzinski with 'sea tail', joined via Nijmegen)

    Went in by air: 43 men; died: 8 (including one in motor accident and 2 accidentally shot by British troops); missing: 8; wounded: 13.
  • Light Artillery Battery (Maj. J. Bielecki)

    Only five junior officers and one liaison officer with 1st British Airborne Division went in by air; two were wounded.