What's new on " Market Garden ".

  • August 20: Pega2.htm now restyled with tabels.(John, I'm getting it now I think)
  • August 21: Menu page reconstructed, new icons(wich will restyled in 3-d studio). Roll of honor page: several units attached. It's a lot of work      and all those dead hero's make me sad sometimes.
  • August 22: Most of the pics converted to jpg format. Pages can be accessed faster now. The short Dutch version will be ready soon
  • August 23: Page "planning" added. Form constructed for detailed reactions.(doesn't work well yet)
  • August 24: Finally..! The form works perfect. Feedback is coming in already, they will be posted on a new page called "Peoples Response".
  • August 25: Several pages completed, now resting for a few days.
  • August 29: Start of English version.
  • August 30: Working on the English version.
  • September 2: 11 units added on the Roll Of Honor.(it made me sad again)
  • September 5: few units added on Roll of Honor,orignal photo's of known fieldgraves added to units.
  • September 7: The feedback of M. Porwitt told me "the Polish flag is upside-down. Changed it.
  • September 8: 3 units added on Roll of Honor.
  • September 9: Mail is coming in, added to "Peoples Response" page. All mail will be added continous, without notifying on this page.
  • September 10/11/12: Roll of honor of the 1st Airborne Division is now completed. Next will be The polish and Air Force.
  • September 16/17/18: Enhanced Netscape is so much fun! Finally got some new codes under control. Watch the new feature that is located
         after the first page of the project.(were you can choose between the two languages,url:pegasus.htm). The url is: ppush1.htm
         Now that I have this straigtened out, I'll be concentrating on making the pages more interesting to look at the coming weeks.
         I'll be working on the backgrounds etc. Stay tuned, and don't forget to refresh the pages stored in the cache memory of your Netscape !!
         You'll find many new stuff if you do ! Finally I'm pleased that the project is now on YAHOO too!
  • September 19: Guess what ?!! My project was listed in the Daily Telegraph newspaper in Great Brittain ! That's cool..Coming up soon: SOUND!
  • September20/21: Working on backgrounds.
  • September 23: A few hyperlinks are now available. New page with detail-map & photo about the situation at the bridge.
         New page about the used Arms is now available in the menu.
         New page on airplanes and Gliders reachable via hyperlinks.
         I'm going to cancel the Dutch site. It's too much work to maintain both. Concentrating on one language version only now.
  • September 24/25/26: New intro with enhanced features. The push doesn't work properly when it's too busy on the server.
         Once in your cache-memory it's ok. Also added new hypertext-links in the pages. Check out the planes!
  • September 26/27: New hyperlink(on pega7B.htm):***St. Elisabeth hospital***,about the severe fighting there.(305K) Nice map and photo's!!
         Next I'll be working on expanding the page about the bridge, photo's will be added.
         I get a lot of questions about that part. It will be very detailed in the near future.
  • September 28/29: New map on enemy positions added to pega4b.htm

  • Oktober 3/4: New hyperlinks on page: pega4b.htm This links are about the 9.SS and 10.SS divisions of the 2nd Pz Armee. Pages under
         construction but already active, so take a first view. Meanwhile I get a lot of questions on details of the battle. Please be patient, your
         questions will be answered as soon as possible.

  • November 1: Due to some problems with the server of the provider, I haven't been able to work much. But from now on there will be some
         production again!
         I got mail from James A. Gordon Jr. from Ontario about the use of Hamilcars. On page "gliders.htm", I wrote that they were not used
         at Arnhem. Naturally I was wrong. James sent me some details about the use of Hamilcars. A total of 16, "17 pounder" anti-tank guns
         were put on transport. This guns had to be transported by Hamilcars. (according to James, 11 guns made it to Arnhem). L. Planting from
         Enschede (Holland) also wrote me about the use of Hamilcars. Thanks for the correction guyes! It is now changed.
  • November 12: The section on the Bridge is now extended. The link to it is on page: "pega7B.htm". Added is a detailed map on the houses
         occupied by the 18th. On this page(brmap2.htm)there will be links to original photo's of this buildings. Also some small hypertext links added.
  • November 13: Link on Nr.26; The Red School added. This is where Captain Eric Mackay and his man made history. Including 2 photo's.
  • November 19-23: Restyling of the "MENU" page. Clickable maps are now present on Market Garden.

  • December 1-9: Adjustments made to several pages. New section added (detail2.htm) on page detail1.htm.(equipment from menu). Pics of      transport and helmet. Many mail answered!! Including those of original " Red Devils "!!
  • December 15: Menu changed.(pega5b.htm) Newsflash logo added. click it and you'll read the latest news!
  • December 16: Polish section extended.(pega8b.htm) Several modifications done. As some of you may have noticed; this site was mentioned in
         the December issue of PC Computing Magazine as on of the best-picks.(Wow!) Newsflash: Remains of Para found at Oosterbeek !
         I have some problems on the project with Netscape version 2.0 beta3. Colors seem to be different. Am I the only one?
         Like on this page the text should be reflecting light-green.....(it's black on 2.0 beta3 and correct on 1.1N wich I prefer). Please mail failures!
  • December 17: link added on pega4b to Major "Sepp Krafft". Photo now available, including report on his actions.
  • December 17-21: The starting page (pegasus.htm) is now modified. Working on the graphics now. Let me know if you like the new style!!
         I am happy and proud to say that from now on I will be cooperating with the one and only Airborne Museum at Oosterbeek.
         Therefore I will be able to use more and better original photo's and maps.
         Again, I am getting many questions from all over the world. Because I simply didn't have time, I couldn't help everybody.
         I hope getting assistance from local historians soon, to answer all the questions.
         Most of these questions are about the Bridge and close by. Now that the copy rights are taking cared of soon, the section on the
         Bridge wich will be very extensive. Including details as colors of trees, pavement etc. Photo's or drawings of all buildings will be included.
         Just a litle patience.......(Pffffeeeeew!)
  • December 22-24: Changes on menu page (pega5b), now more topics present, made beginning on the menupage for the used maps and photo's.
         Coming up soon: better photo's on the newsflash, original stories by veterans, extension on the bridge section. As for now: Merry Cristmas
         everybody.(My remembrance is with the brave of 1944).
  • December 27: Addition: New official photo of remains on "MG Newsflash". Planned: Section for collectors. Collectors, Let me know
         if you have interest in this section.(exchange/buy/sell/wanted,etc)
  • December 27-29: Extension on Museum page. New page added to menu; monuments on Market Garden.
  • *****IMPORTANT***** Because issues like copyrights on-line costs etc. etc, sponsors are needed in the near future!
          This will only be possible if the counter spins..... So please add the project to your home-page and post it as much as you can.
          If you are a regular visiter of this project, help out! Notify magazines, newspapers, search-engines, etc. Thank you.

  • January 3: Changes of graphics on Hohenstaufen at: hohenst.htm
         Some of you may have noticed the very slow or not at all functioning of the site. This problems already exists for one week
         and are caused by the server of my provider. Unfortunatly there is nothing I can do now. It is most likely that I have to change
         to another provider in the near future to make it better and faster working. Sorry....
  • January 3-8: Improving the graphics.
  • January 5-10:***NEW*** At last! Sound is now available on Market Garden. Please read that section from the menu.
         Haven't decided yet what format, so the most promising are all here. Fill in the form and let me know what type you prefer!
         My guess is, Iwave format is most likely to win the battle. If it does, this format will be used on this site in the future. But there will
         also be a library with the same sound-files in high quality .AU format for those who want to dnload the samples.
         When the winning format is known, the "Sound library" will be extended. Links on the pages with spoken comment will be added.
         For now, just take a look and try some examples. (watch the neighbours :-)
  • January10-16: Addition:Veterans Memories.(Please send in your stories) Several graphics improved.
  • January16-19: Sounds coming in slowly, some additions. More on the Monuments, several additions.
  • January19-24: New: STATISTICS ! Details on units etc. Addition on monuments.
         Serious research is going on about the "bridge section". All the numbers on the map are beeing identified. In a few weeks much of this section
         should be ready. Then this part is going to be the main event of the project with a direct link from the menu.

  • March 13: Addition in News-Flash. Several corrections and the studying on the "bridge section" continous.
  • March 16: Now JAVA script support on the site. The first application is used on the main menu. Still learning, in time more gigs!!
  • March 28: Additions to "ARMS" and "EQUIPMENT" sections.
         The Market Garden Site is now a member off the "1996 Internet World Exposition". You can find it on the Dutch Pavillion.
         In a few weeks the site will be located on the special server. Then it will be possible to play "real audio" soundfiles!
         Video movies will also be added. The URL of the 1996 Internet World Expo is: http://www.park.org
  • March 29: New: menu-page! New: Victoria Crosses awarded at Arnhem (from menu). Let me know if you like the new menu...
         Coming soon: Exlusief documents and photo's on the arms section from some private collections
         Collectors: If you'd like your collection displayed on this site, contact me!

  • April 1-14: Several changes on graphics. One addition in the veteran's memories send to me by J. Meyers, 82 nd Airborne division.
         Preperations going on for expanding the "arms" section. Nice photo's will be added.
  • April 24: pega3b modified, addition: new maps wich show the bridges and routes.
  • May 6: Addition to veterans memories. The memory of D. Parker from the Glider Pilot Rgt.
         New photo's in the weapons section.
  • May 6-20: Additions to veterans memories. Several graphic enhancements.
  • May 20-27: New topic "letters". The letters of appreciation from Allied Commanders etc. to 1st Airborne Division.
          Note: The site will soon move to another location where more services can be provided.
          The existing main entrance URL will automaticly refer to the new location.
          I will notify in advance when the site is going to move and to wich URL......
          Last week the site was published in a regional newspaper and an interview with me was broadcasted on radio.