What people say about this project.

(The feedback really keeps me going!)

Date: Fri, 08 Sep 1995 22:45:34 GMT
From: larry@aip.org
subject: Wow ! This is really good!
name: Larry M. Belmont
email: larry@aip.org
city: Blue Point, NY
country: USA
I really appreciate the effort you have put into this project and look forward to seeing more ... 
Good Luck, Larry.

Date: Sat, 16 Sep 1995 03:27:49 GMT From: hgue@kofax.com Subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Harold Gue email: hgue@kofax.com city: Irvine, California country: USA This project is amazing. I would be very apprehensive in trying to tackle a topic of this magnitude. I wish you much luck on this project. I am impressed with the results you have achieved up to this point. I have always been a history buff myself, the information provided appears to be accurate and it's presented in a very enticing way. Good Luck!
Date: 22 Sep 95 14:51:36 EDT From: Kurt Martin <75713.3123@compuserve.com> Subject: Your Market Garden WWW site name: Kurt Martin city: Detroit country: USA Congratulations on a great site! I was very excited to see your site out there - you've done a really good job. And I'm glad to see you're doing a lot to maintain it. I am a Battle of Arnhem fan/researcher. At present, I am working on a very detailed game representing the battle at the bridge in downtown Arnhem. I'd love to talk to you about some details of the city itself I am trying to confirm. Talk to you soon!
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 1995 15:48:52 GMT From: None at this time subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: CAPT James A. Gordon, Jr. USN (Ret.) email: None at this time city: Ontario, California 91762 country: United States of America Whoa Mohammed!, Magnificent!, From an Operation Market-Garden collector of over 25 years, I am truly impressed. A fitting tribute to a singularly gallant band, heroes all, the British 1st Airborne Division and their Polish and Dutch comrades- in-arms.
Time: Thu Sep 28 18:35:58 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Thomas M. Harris email: zonker@csgcbu.att.com city: Naperville,IL country: USA Great job so far. I am particularly impressed by the great choice of pictures/graphics. Are you going to eventually expand to cover all of Market/Garden (i.e. 82nd and 101st Airborne drops and the XXX Corps push up toward Arnhem and the Germans deployment and respons?) Again great job, keep up the good work I really enjoyed myself. Tom Harris. Comment: Yes I am going to do that. It's all under the topic "PLANNING".
Time: Sun Oct 01 03:22:42 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Albert Van Steenbergen email: mkv@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca city: Edmonton country: Canada I am VERY impressed with the layout and presentation of this historical site. In 1986 I went with my family to Holland and my father took us to Arnhem to see the museum as well as the surrounding territory. He had seen the troops parachuting out of the aircraft and my grandfather's house was damaged during the following battle. I have always been interested in WW II, and this is the first Web site which I have seen that has so clearly presented this battle. It means something to me as I have walked through these areas, and have visited the graveyards of so many brave men which are scattered across the Netherlands. The honor roll is very well done, having stood beside many of these tombstones, and seeing the names of the fallen. Even my sister was impressed at this site, as she also accompanied us through the museum, but it did not make as much of an impression on her as it did me at the time. Thank you very much for all the work that has been put into this site. Keep up the good work.
Time: Thu Oct 05 20:27:28 1995 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Rudnei Dias da Cunha, DPhil(Kent) email: rudnei@mat.ufrgs.br city: Porto Alegre country: BRAZIL Hi! I found it very interesting. We all should care for those who fought at Arnhem and Nijmegen. We shall never forget those Allied soldiers, British, North-Americans and Polish, who gave their lives so that we could have a better world to live in. My warmest congratulations on this project.
Time: Wed Oct 11 07:58:59 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Zdzislaw Podzorski email: ZHP@NETCOM.COM city: Las Vegas country: USA I am very happy to find a home page dedicated to this great battle of WWII. As a person of Polish orgins I'm greatly satisfied that the participation of the Polish Armed Forces is mentioned here. The western historians tend to forget that there was a large Polish Army fighting Germas with a great sacrifice and motivation. Thanks!
Time: Wed Oct 18 09:44:33 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Stephen Goggin email: Cof3012@sparcserver.rtc-tallaght.ie city: Dublin country: Ireland At last I find people with the same interest as me. Great web page! Tells the facts like they really happened. Also gives information on the German forces which is not to common. Possibly more information is needed on the German side of the battle. Can you tell me where I can get information on visiting Arnhem?? Thanks, keep up the good work. Comment Author: Tourist information on Arnhem and Oosterbeek is on this site (INTERTOUR). You find it on "page6.htm"
Time: Thu Oct 19 01:39:12 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Grant Pearson email: mgp58@uow.edu.au city: Wollongong country: Australia This is really great, looks, everything. The more I look the better it gets! As a military history buff interested in Arhnem and the Afrika Korp as you are I am very impressed! Maybe some of the lesser stories could be added, the Special Service troops in the Chicken coop for example. I would like to hear from you personally if at all possible, maybe you would like to discuss this shared passion , throw ideas around, etcetera. There are a couple of language mistakes, more typing error than translation. I may point them out some time, and help correct them. It would be good to have more information on the Arms page, or another page for each weapon? You are a very brilliant man, and as a historian/collector I admire you very much. Grant.. Author: Thanks for the compliments Grant..
Time: Wed Oct 25 13:25:25 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: A Debban email: adebban@grci.com city: Vienna, Virginia country: USA Very good work. Will bring history alive to those who don't remember (or never knew).
Time: Fri Oct 20 18:45:57 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Tommi Kangasaho email: cctoka@tit.fi city: Tampere country: Finland
Time: Fri Oct 20 08:16:26 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Dirk Veltkamp email: Dirk_Veltkamp@umail.toursr.tas.gov.au city: Launceston, Tasmania country: Australia As ex-inhabitant of Arnhem, (and proud father of 2 kids born in the St Elizabeth's Gasthuis!) I am very interested in your effort. I will revisit it shortly along with my daughter Renske (15) and son Luuk (14) so that they can catch up with part of the history of the city in which they were born. Keep up the good work!! Cheers, Dirk Veltkamp
Time: Thu Oct 26 15:40:41 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Tim Streeter email: strets@cray.com city: Minneapolis, Minnesota country: USA Excellent work, very impressive! I look forward to more additions to your project. I am working on a 1/35 scale model diorama of the Arnhem fighting, using over 100 British and German soldiers and many vehicles. I have done extensive research, but have many questions unanswered. If you or someone would be willing to correspond with me through electronic mail, I would be most grateful. Tim Streeter
Time: Thu Nov 09 19:45:33 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Dr. John V. Draper, Ph.D. email: draperjv@aol.com city: Knoxville, TN country: USA Thanks for this page. It not only explains the battle but also serves as a living memorial to those who fought in it. My father was one of those people. He was a glider pilot and was wounded landing 101st Airborne Division equipment near Nijmegen. He was always proud of his service and was most impressed, until the day of his death, with the way that the Dutch people responded to Allied servicemen at the time. I know that if he saw your page he would be grateful that there are still folks who remember and honor his generation's service. For my father's memory and for myself, thank you for keeping the memory of those tragic days alive. Comment Author: Thanks John, this is just wat keeps me going!!
Time: Mon Nov 27 22:42:26 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Erik Tynan email: etynan@flotsam.mma.mass.edu city: Buzzards BAy country: America Great job! I would like to know more about the lead brigade of XXX Corps attack, the Irish Guards.
Time: Tue Nov 28 18:40:48 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Alexander Roy email: danielr@inch.com city: New York country: USA I love your site. I just moved back home after two years living in Paris. My father was with the U.S. Armored Division in 1945 and passed onto me a great interest in the 2nd World War. When I lived in Europe I travelled to Arnhem several times to visit the graves of the fighting men on both sides so courageous and terrible was the fighting there. I was particularly moved by the British Airborne Cemetary northwest of Arnhem, just near the landing fields. I forget its name, but it was hidden down in the woods down a tree-lined road. A quiet and beautiful place. My father has often told me of the dignity and kindness of the Dutch during the war, and the stories of the civilians in Arnhem during the fighting show how true this is. I am glad someone like yourself has created a site dedicated to the men who fought in Market Garden. Comment Author:Photo's of the Airborne Cemetary will be published soon.
Time: Wed Nov 29 22:13:54 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Urban Stσhl email: urban@physchem.kth.se city: Stockholm country: Sweden Great that someone educates the youngsters in the internet world
Time: Thu Nov 30 15:26:48 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: G. Tros email: mbo.arnhem@universal.nl city: Arnhem country: nl home page: http://www.universal.nl/users/mboarnhem Mooi, zeer leerzame pagina!
Time: Fri Dec 01 00:21:16 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Philip W. Upton city: Charlotte, North Carolina country: USA A prodigious effort and well worth your efforts. How about another like this for the great naval battles of WWII? Battle of Leyte Gulf and of course Midway? Comment Author: Well, it's a great idea. But I have to pass it on to others. I simply don't have the time to do another subject, as I will be working on this one for the next decade or so. However, if I find a project dedicated to a world war II or I event, I will add it to the page: " WW II related".
Time: Fri Dec 01 19:56:27 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Stephen McCotter email: smcott@clio.arts.qub.ac.uk city: Belfast country: N.Ireland This is the first time I have visited the page and I have never seen anything like it on the net before. I am a military buff and enjoy modelling vehicles from the allied advance in western Europe. I was hoping to find some reference to Freddy Goughs recon. company in modified jeeps. I know there are some pictures of these Vickers K gun equipped items but have not found any detailed photos.If anyone knows of any I would be very grateful if they would get in touch. Comment Author: Eventually there will be a special report on this unit. When exactly I can't tell for now. As written under the topic "planning" you will probably have noticed, that I start a page and finish it while working on the project. So stay tuned and maybe you'll find the first photo off this unit soon.
Time: Sat Dec 02 13:42:01 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Tom Powell email: cperez@ucsd.edu city: San Diego country: USA My compliments for a well-designed execution to a marvellous idea. Hopefully, with the increasing use of the WWW, other battles of World War II and other conflicts will be made available to a worldwide audience. I would suggest your efforts as a model for others. In the end, perhaps some sort of archives or series can be organized. Again, excellent job. I can't wait to see its completed form. Comment Author: It would be very nice if this could be realized. If you find other interesting sites on WW II that are not yet under the topic "WW II related", please mail them to me.
Time: Mon Dec 04 22:56:34 1995 subject: I can be of some assistance.. name: Jens A. Norgaard email: jens-norgaard@uiowa.edu city: Iowa City, Iowa country: U.S.A. I think your project is absolutely fantastic. If you would like some more information, I have some about the aftermath. On October 7, 1944, My grandfather led a squadron of B-26 Maraders to destroy the traffic brige at Arnhem. He was successful and received the Distinguished Flying Cross from the U.S. Army Air Corps. If you would like some of this info to add to your project, I would be willing to send it. I used your project in a report I had to do for school (I go to the University of Iowa) and it helped me greatly. I thank you for keeping these memories alive. Comment Author: Cool Jens! Send it to me and maybe I can use it.
Time: Wed Dec 06 23:31:20 1995 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: John S. Brown email: jbrown@census.gov city: Alexandria, VA country: USA Wow! This is really good. That says it all. I especially liked the introduction although it took me by suprise.
Time: Fri Dec 15 01:01:16 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Roderick Bell email: roderick_bell@pc.radian.com city: Round Rock, Texas country: United States of America Congratulations on a fine piece of work! I admire your dedication to this project and to the memory of the soldiers who fought there.
Time: Fri Dec 15 18:32:48 1995 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Oliver Schildmann email: schildmann@spektrum-verlag.com city: Mannheim country: Germany home page:http://mail.spektrum-verlag.com/~schildmann/ Really outstanding! I'm very interested in history and military history and these pages give a nice overview of what happend there.
Time: Sun Dec 17 02:03:20 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Bill Infeld email: cn1014@coastalnet.com city: New Bern, NC 28560 country: USA Saw your site in December issue of PC Computing Magazine as one of 1001 Best Internet Sites. I agree!! A fantastic and unique effort which I have not been able to wholly explore. Congratulations. I have seen the film (very good) which, of course, cannot give all the details, but gave a reasonable overview of this flawed enterprise. But that is what happens in war - it often does not work as expected. Will return often to see further developments. Thank you.
Time: Mon Dec 18 02:52:42 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Troy Clarence email: 0006867102@mcimail.com city: Colorado Springs, CO country: USA It's always good to see history presented in an accurate,informative, interesting way. I am a huge Airborne buff, thanks to my uncle who jumped with the 501/101st and fought in Eerde, and later around Nijemgen. Market-Garden was daring, but tragic, especially for the British 1st. We must not let anyone forget! Great job.
Time: Mon Dec 18 01:08:18 1995 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Cornelius Washington, Jr. email: kr0z@inlink.com city: St. Louis, MO country: USA home page: http://www.inlink.com/~kr0z/index.html This is just GREAT. I taped "A Bridge Too Far" and have watched it many times. The work you have done to put this together is outstanding. Keep up the good work. Cornelius
Time: Mon Dec 18 19:36:10 1995 Logfile: \https\mt95121809.log subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Martijn van Keulen email: guderian@xs4all.nl city: Haarlem country: Holland Dear Andries, *Really* one of the best pages I've come across surfing the Net so far!! I was especially impressed by the use of the new Netscape features.
Time: Wed Dec 20 07:11:17 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: JAMES V. PEREZ JR email: jvperez@bordernet.com city: LAREDO, TEXAS country: USA NICE PAGE WISH THERE WERE MORE LIKE IT ON DIFRENT BATTLES AND WARS.
Time: Wed Dec 20 15:34:14 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Pierre Dupont email: pierre.dupont@gmn.ulaval.ca city: Quebec country: Candada Very interesting project. I have enjoyed reading it very much. As english is not my mother tongue (french is), I sympathize with you concerning your translation problems! The only thing that has bothered me is the many pages that have to be loaded in sequence before being able to get to the pages containing the history of the battle. Nevertheless, it's still a very interesting and informative web site. Sincerely, Pierre Dupont
Time: Wed Dec 20 07:00:39 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Jurgen Steinert email: jurgen@southwest.com.au city: Mandurah, WA country: Australia home page:http://www.southwest.com.au Great Page! How about something on the German order of battle? Also, you will find most people run their system on 800 * 600, rather than 1024 * 768 It may be an idea to change what the page is optimized for (i know on my monitor 1024 in Hi-colour is interlaced and kills my eyes) Just a thought anyway.... Best Regards, JS Comment Author: You are the first to complaign about the resolution. I have been thinking about it but the project is just too big for that resolution.
Time: Fri Dec 22 03:40:43 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Ralf Allar email: bj03304@rs1.rrz.uni-koeln.de city: Leverkusen country: Duitsland Impressive!
Time: Sat Dec 23 02:57:13 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Michele Cafagna email: mcafagna@up.spin.it city: Trieste country: Italy I have played all te wargames related to this campaign (as far as i know there are 8 games from different companies) and I can say that the infos are very interesting. Could you provide sume infos about the archives you consulted if any? Thanks a lot for one of the bes WWW site I've ever seen, even if a bit slow to load. M. Cafagna
Time: Sat Dec 23 19:58:06 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Rick Mueller email: eaglehil@usa1.com city: Ipswich, Massachusetts country: USA Very interesting so far. My father was involved in this offensive and I have recently come across his diary from the war years. Keep it up! There is a great need to memorialize the Allies.
Time: Sat Dec 23 21:29:55 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Frank Gorssel email: gorssel@euronet.nl city: Purmerend NH country: Nederland Schitterend gedaan! Wat een titanenklus... Als Market-Garden geinteresseerde (had familie in de Oranjestraat in Arnhem) volg ik je project met aandacht. Misschien is het een idee om ooit nog een fotoserie in te voegen volgens het "toen en nu" concept. Je weet wel, bijv.foto van '44 vergeleken met de situatie nu. Ik denk dat daar best wel belangstelling voor is. Verder een vraag; mij is bekend dat in Oosterbeek het gebruik van detectors verboden is. Is eigenlijk bekend hoeveel ongelukken er zijn gebeurd door "zoektochten" sinds de bevrijding? (waardoor ongetwijfeld dat verbod is ontstaan) Veel succes met je project! Frank
Time: Sun Dec 24 03:42:42 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Joe Gandara email: gandara@clark.net city: Springfield, VA country: US Liked the work. Would recommend some spelling and grammar checking for the english translations. I really appreciate the photo's, but they seem to come in very slowly...could be because it is coming overseas. Great documentation of the fight at the bridge. I visited the museum and battlesites twice before when I was stationed in the former W.Germany. I would like to offer my help for any of the above if you need it. I would also recommend Martin Middlebrook's Book "Arnhem 1944: the airborne battle if you haven't already read it. Great coverage on the topic!!! I am having a problem identifying exactly what equipment an airborne unit has. Especially the para battalion. I know that it consisted of 3 companies of 3 platoons, each with 3 sections of 10 men. I also know that they were authorized a Machinegun Platoon (Vickers), Mortar Platoon (3 in), and a carrier platoon in the support company, but I can't find out how many mortars, MG's, in these platoons. etc. Also, where and how many 2 in mortars? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Author: Please point the errors to me as I ask on several pages on the project. The book you mentioned is the best there is as far as I'm concerned. I use it occasionally.
Time: Sun Dec 24 06:50:02 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Harvey J. Burian email: harvey@hr.ubc.ca city: New Westminster, B. C. country: Canada Firstly, a BIG THANK YOU for your efforts on this project. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and seeing the photographs. I am interested in history, particularly that surrounding the Second World War. I have recently viewed the film "A Brigdge Too Far" and so it was very interesting to see and read about the actual historical account which you have put together. I wish you the best as you continue with the project.
Time: Thu Dec 28 00:38:46 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Anthony Howard Winkler email: ahw19@idt.vivid.net city: Atlanta country: USA Good show,I think that you do the Dutch proud.Fantastic to find a site like this. Season`s greetings.
Time: Fri Dec 29 16:19:18 1995 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Tate Rogers email: ltrogers@traveller.com city: Huntsville country: U.S.A. This is one of the best WEB-Sites I have ever seen. I am some thing of a Millitary History buff and really enjoyed your site.
Time: Fri Dec 29 23:58:48 1995 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Art Jordan email: artj1@ix.netcom.com city: Shelton country: USA Exelent Job!! I've been looking for a historical web site of this caliber for a long time. I hope you plan to keep adding to this site in the future. I would love to see pictures of the vehicles and air craft used in the operation. Keep up the good work, Art.
Time: Sat Dec 30 02:29:37 1995 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Jack O'Quin email: joq@io.com city: Austin, Texas country: USA Beautiful job! You have really set a new standard for historical reporting on the internet.
Time: Sat Dec 30 03:26:51 1995 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Tim Wilson email: twilson@wyoming.com city: Lander, Wyoming country: USA Great effort, wonderful content! Thanks.
Time: Wed Jan 03 13:25:55 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Par Nilsson email: nilsson@etek.chalmers.se city: Goteborg country: Sweden This is a most impressive project. Keep up the good work!
Time: Wed Jan 03 20:58:33 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Richard Green email: richard.green@ualberta.ca city: EDMONTON, Alberta country: Canada Thank you very much for creating this WWW page on the Battle of Arnhem. My father was a corporal in the RAMC (181 Air Landing Field Ambulance). He died in 1982. As a result of the publication of Martin Middlebrook's book in 1994, I have been in contact with a few of the men of the 181 unit. I have also been in contact with Ruud Kreling in Apeldoorn. He is writing an account of the medical services at Arnhem and has a small museum in Apeldoorn. Keep up the good work!
Time: Wed Jan 03 21:02:31 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Henk van Dijk email: H.van.Dijk@inter.nl.net city: Etten Leur country: Netherlands This is one of the best sites I've come across. This is realy Pay TV Author: Not for me.... :)
Time: Thu Jan 04 01:33:45 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Franτois Perrault email: frank@logiscom.com city: Mercier (near MontrΘal) country: QuΘbec, Canada home page: http://www.logiscom.com I Want to congratulate you on the magnificient job you're doing on this subject. The intro is by far the best idea I've seen so far on the net. I'm an avid wargamer and I visited your site as a research on that battle, for a game I intend to play soon "V for Victory, Market Garden" by Atomic Hill. I can't thank you enough for the maps that you included. Sinceraly it's one of the greatest sites I've seen. Franτois, frank@logiscom.com
Time: Thu Jan 04 04:01:03 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Martin de Vries email: afd83@ttacs.ttu.edu city: currently: Lubbock, Texas country: USA home page: http://pegasus.acs.ttu.edu/~afd83 Hi there, A friend of mine pointed me to this site, which he knew it was absolutely a must for me to see. I've checked it out real quick, this week there's no time to go through all of your stuff thoroughly, but I feel obliged to tell you that I can't wait to visit this site again. Wow, this is pretty neat. Since a couple of years I've been interested, fascinated is the better word, in the battle of Arnhem, and I've even been there twice just to visit the airborne museum and the former battle ground. It is great to see these things on the web. I finished a huge pile of books about this subject, and I never seem to be able to put it aside. Also I would like to get into contact with people to share information. Anyway, keep this up.
Time: Sat Jan 06 11:48:33 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Peter Collingwood email: pjcoll@nn.argus.co.za city: Durban country: South Africa home page: http://www.nn.argus.co.za/~pjcoll This is the best historical site I have found on the web. Keep up the great work. Nice to hear from South Africa!
Time: Sat Jan 06 18:41:31 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Rodrigus email: rorodri@glo.be city: Brasschaat country: Belgium home page: http://www.glo.be/users/rorodri/index.html Fantastische site , hier heb ik ik weer wat bijgeleerd op gebied van presentatie. Wat is Uw motivatie ? Groetjes , Bob.
Time: Sun Jan 07 17:53:09 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Greg Yarnold email: gyarnold@mail.fn.net city: Wichita,KS country: U.S.A. You have done a great job on the web page. I am looking forward to periodically checking back, and seeing what improvments have been made. Except for a few misspellings looks good. I have also been interested in Operation Market-Garden since I was young. I am sure this web page will make more people interested in it.
Time: Tue Jan 09 00:41:54 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Majid Entezam email: mentezam@clyde.ics.uci.edu city: Irvine, California country: USA I REALLY enjoyed it!! I am very facinated with the entire battle. I have read the book and seen the movie "A Bridge Too Far". Infact, I even bought a very realistic (award winning) computer game that re-enacts the entire battle. (the game is V For Victory - Market Garden). I have tried many scenerios (playing the German side) in the game to see if the Germans ever had a chance in containing the XXX Corps drive north to Arnhem. Anyways, as a fan of WWII, I found this to be very detailed and accurate. The only thing I wish you can add to this URL is the struggle of the British XXX Corps in its drive towards Arnhem. The Germans did well in blocking the British advance on highway 69 (Hell's Highway); Particularly, the 107th Pz Brigade. That is about the only suggestion I can make. Nevertheless, I comend you for your hard work. Great job and keep up the good work. Majid Entezam Author: Thanks Majid. About XXX corps, read the section under the topic "planning" on the main menu. I've been receiving a lot of remarks and questions about the games. Specially about "V for Victory". I haven't played or seen it. Maybe there is someone who is able getting this game for me. E-mail me.
Time: Tue Jan 09 19:04:32 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Ian Gibson email: hansg@metropolis.nl city: Dordrecht country: Holland I have been very interested in this battle for many years now ,first visiting Hartestein in the late 70's, and I was most surprised (and pleased) to find this site's existence. I am in particular looking for a detailed map of the Oosterbeek area during the battle. Also I am looking in particular for photographs by Jacobsen and Wenzel. I would be most happy if you could help me with these enquiries. Thank you. Keep up the good work!
Time: Wed Jan 10 10:30:34 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: John Wightman email: johnw@enternet.co.nz city: Tauranga country: New Zealand I was not a participant in this operation but I served in the Royal Air Force from 1939 to 1945. One of my acquaintances was a glider pilot who lost his arm at the elbow (result of wound from a German tank shell). I am still very interested in the history of the Second World War. John. Author: It is an honor having you visiting and responding to this site. Thanks!
Time: Wed Jan 10 19:22:52 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: John Becker email: JB90570@aol.com city: Livonia, Michigan 48150 country: USA Prefered Audio Format: NETSCAPE AUDIO FORMAT Sir, Ever since I saw "A Bridge Too Far" back in 1977, when I was just 11 years old, I have been obsessed with Operation Market-Garden. I am now 30 and have collected a large assortment of books and articles about the battle as well as the making of the movie. I have a particular love for the British Airborne forces, not to slight our own 82nd, 101st and 9th Troop Carrier Command and 9th AAF boys. As an intermediate military miniture modeler, I have dedicated my hobby to the depiction of various scenarios of the battle. ANYTHING dealing with Operation Market-Garden is of profound interest to me. I have also collected and played a number of military war games of the battle, both board and computer. WWII history is a fascination for me but this particular date in time is strangely solemn and enormously interesting to me and always will be. I hope to someday visit the Arnhem/Oosterbeek area, Nijmegen, and the Hartenstein Hotel, as well as Aldershot and the IWM. PLEASE know that I find this WWW site extremely enjoyable and will return to it when I have more time. Vielen Dank. Sgt. John Becker, Michigan Air National Guard. Author: send some photo's of your modeling!
Time: Thu Jan 11 06:47:05 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Leo J. Remiger email: remiger@alaska.net city: Anchorage country: USA Absolutely superb - excellent ideas and presentation. Look forward to more information on the German involvement.
Time: Thu Jan 11 13:47:50 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Chris email: christian.priller@jk.uni-linz.ac.at city: Berchtesgaden, Bavaria country: Germany REALLY GREAT SITE!
Time: Fri Jan 12 07:12:05 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: TAKASHI Uchida email: utchy@mascat.nihon-u.ac.jp city: Tokyo country: Japan
Time: Fri Jan 12 17:54:27 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Mack W. Shortt email: mwshortt@acs.ucalgary.ca city: Calgary country: Alberta Your presentation is fantastic! I visited Oosterbeek for the first time in April of 1995 and plan to return this spring. An expansion of your study area to include all Market Garden events would be great. My wife's grandparents lived near the Koevering on Hell's Highway and now in Schijndel. They remember well the men of the 101st! Keep up the good work. By the way, anybody out there interested in collecting out of print books on the subject?
Time: Fri Jan 12 19:13:34 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Alex McCusker email: mccuskera@un.org city: Geneva country: Switzerland Hi Andries, I'm quite impressed with your site. I found it through www.sonic.net/~bstone, a WW II site. I'm a long-time board gamer including lots of games on Market-Garden. I was particularly impressed by the variety of sources and connections you have set up. The Newsflash was quite interesting. Your only weak point appears to be spelling (which has two "l" s). All the best, Alex
Time: Sat Jan 13 16:12:21 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: DeWitt Shank email: merle@access.mountain.net city: Lewisburg, West Virginia country: USA Thanks for your work. Like many of your visitors, I'm sure, I have and play regularly the V for Victory Market Garden war game. I haven't completely looked at your site, but it appears this will be of much help to me in understanding and playing the game better!
Time: Sat Jan 13 23:24:58 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Mike Velting email: dabberdoo@msn city: Farmington Hills, MI 48335 country: USA Really neat. Great job. I was fascinated by the movie. I am of Dutch heridity. The movie seemed to be very accurate. Keep up the good work!
Time: Sun Jan 14 15:52:26 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Ole Henrik Thune email: othune@sn.no city: Trondheim country: Norway I am currently a student at the Norwegian Air Force Academy and we are about to start working with "Market Garden" next week in our english classes. I enjoyed finding this article with new interesting details that I couldn`t find in our books. Thank you for the help.
Time: Mon Jan 15 02:50:44 1996 Logfile: \https\mt96011500.log subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: John W. Domitrek email: jwd@netcompads.com city: Welland country: Ontario, Canada Hello from Canada, Your work here is beautiful. Let me say that the remembrance of those who made the supreme sacrifice so that we may be able to do what we do now is something I hope the world never forgets.
Time: Mon Jan 15 10:31:02 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Arno Verhoeven email: arno@rtv.nl city: Eindhoven country: The Netherlands Prachtige site. Een van de betere. Goed gedaan en ga zo door.
Time: Mon Jan 15 18:22:24 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Kevin Kitowski email: cccef.kkitowsk@capital.ge.com city: Danbury, CT country: USA This is a really terrific project. I read the 'Bridge too Far' book and saw the film. Also I have been to Arnhem several time and have gone to the museum. I have not explored your entire project yet and I look forward to visiting this site alot in the future. Kevin Kitowski
Time: Wed Jan 17 05:29:21 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Larry Ostrom email: lostrom@midusa.net city: Abilene country: Kansas USA Hello, I found this very interesting. It was just by chance that I happened on to this site. We had a young man from Arnhem live with us for about six months last year. This made reading about Arnhem even more interesting. I would also be pleased to hear from someone in Arnhem by Email. Thank you for the chance to comment and I will make it a point to come back soon. Thank you again. Larry AUTHOR: Did you check your belongings when he had left? (Just kidding!)
Time: Wed Jan 17 21:35:56 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Lt Albert D. Pestana email: menelaus@mail.icon.co.za city: Johannesburg country: South Africa Congratulations. I have enjoyed the short tour of your site.
Time: Wed Jan 17 23:43:58 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Jimmy Lin email: jlin@uoguelph.ca city: Guelph country: Canada Great and please finish it,so I can read all of it. Moreover, you can do some WWII battle in a new homepage. I bet it will be excellant.
Time: Fri Jan 19 21:57:15 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Dan Dubbel email: dan-dubbel@jhuapl.edu city: Laurel, MD country: USA I am interested in this battle more than any other battle in WWII since it contained so many compelling stories. Both sides had overwhelming force in one theater of the battle, and both sides were fighting desperately to delay and hold-on in the other theater. I have played several games based on this battle, and I find it extremely interesting to experience the logistical and tactical difficulties encountered by both sides. I haven't fully explored this site, but I would be greatly interested in personal accounts of specific portions of the battle. I will look for them, but if they are not yet included, I would find them a valuable future addition. The photos are wonderful! They give life to the descriptions. Great job!
Time: Sat Jan 20 09:02:31 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Daniel Batten email: 74762.2527@compuserve.com city: Stanhope, New Jersey country: USA Andries, Well done! I have spent over two hours reading your Market Garden site, and I think it's fantastic! I am most impressed with the amount of detail you provided, especially your information about the men who took part in the battle. Congratulations on a fine job! -Daniel Batten
Time: Sat Jan 20 03:43:09 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Per Andersson email: panther@ts.umu.se city: Umea country: Sweden Brilliant!!!
Time: Sat Jan 20 23:02:18 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: CPT. Arthur Yap, 426 Singapore Armour Regiment, Reserves email: artyap@pacific.net.sg city: country:Singapore Very impressive work. Have been researching Market Garden myself. Will try to help if I can, but suspect that sources not as good as yours.
Time: Sun Jan 21 16:48:29 1996 subject: Keep up with the good work. name: Shlomo Mastbaum email: shlomom@vnet.ibm.com city: Tel-Aviv country: Israel You have done a very detailed and excellent job. It is very easy by your job the get the right picture of the battle scene. As I said before, Keep on with the good work.
Time: Mon Jan 22 01:13:36 1996 subject: Comments on the Market Garden project. name: Johan Linder email: jlinder@gac.edu city: Saint Peter country: United States (org. from Sweden) home page: http://www.gac.edu/~jlinder/home.html Congratulations on a great job! I'm really impressed by your site. I really like the interface you have created with the CGI script, and the way you have lined up everything. I'm connected with a 19,2 kbs modem, but I think that this did not matter at all. You have been very successful taking in consideration that all the users on the Internet are not hooked up to a high-speed network. The only thing I can complain about is the spelling, but this is a minor detail. Take care man, and keep up the good work!
Time: Mon Jan 22 01:58:23 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Michael Keffer email: mkeffe19@idir.net city: Topeka, Kansas country: United States of America I am an avid history buff, and have read many things about Operation Market Garden in the past. What I have seen of this presentation so far is quite impressive! Keep up the great work!
Time: Thu Jan 25 15:29:03 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Joost Hart email: j.hart@student.utwente.nl city: Groningen country: Nederland Dit is de beste page die ik in tijden heb gezien, iets anders dan die rechtsextremistische troep die tegenwoordig ten toon wordt gespreid! Ga zo door!
Time: Thu Jan 25 14:52:00 1996 subject: Wow ! This is really good! name: Ken Day email: Ken.Day@mrc-dunn.cam.ac.uk city: Cambridge country: UK Dear Andries, May I congratulate you on your WWW page about Operation Market Garden. I am just old enough to remember the battle, and my Father was with the Essex Regiment when the town was liberated in April 1945. The Dutch people, although starving, gave the British troops a civic reception and the Mayor gave my Father hundreds of Dutch postage stamps for my Mother. My brother still has them. Because of this, I was always interested in the battle, but it was not until 1983, when I went to a conference in Wageningen, that I was able to get to Arnhem. The following year, my wife and I, with two friends, went there on holiday. My friend, Fred, had a brother who was a pilot with the 21st. Independent Parachute Brigade and he was wounded and captured. Reports came back that because of his wounds, the SS shot him. My friend's father destroyed all evidence of his dead son's existence, and you can imagine the effect on Fred when, in the Hartenstein, we found a photograph of the 21st.IPB, with Fred's brother on it. He went outside and wept - after 30 years! I was privileged to be in Arnhem for the 50th. anniversary of the Battle, and the kindness, friendliness of the Dutch people was overwhelming. I travelled with members of the Parachute Regiment Association (although I have no connection with the Paras) and among them were about a dozen veterans of the battle. One of them said to a Dutch woman, "You Dutch are all mad." "Why?" she asked. "Because all we brought you was death, destruction and starvation and still you welcome us." "Ah, but you brought us freedom!" was her reply. I joined with the congregation in the church in Ede for the broadcast of the service from Oosterbeek cemetary and here, too, we were made most welcome. My only regret about my visit in 1994 was that I was unable to buy one of the special flags designed for the anniversary. I even wrote to the Mayor! Perhaps if you manage to see one for sale, please get it for me. I will, of course, pay! I am returning to Wageningen in October this year, and I will again make a pilgrimage to Arnhem and Oosterbeek. Please keep up the good work in bringing the history of Market Garden to the world. With very best wishes, Ken
Date =16 FEb 96 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Greg Taylor email = gregt@prysm.net city = Shreveport country = USA home page = http://www.prysm.net/~gregt/outrage!.htm Sir, Your Market-Garden web sight is, without question, the finest thing I have ever seen on the Internet. I am thoroughly impressed. Thank you for your dedication to this outstanding project. You do the subject and the veterans, honor with the quality of your work. May I post your sight on my home page? Superlatives fail me, sir. Just know that you have the finest sight on the web. Thanks.
Date =19 FEb 96 subject = Congratulations. name = Matthew Hill. email = mah4@ukc.ac.uk country = UK Dear Sir, one would like to congratulate you on your achievement and if you have any queries which you need answering, with regards to operation Market Garden, then please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely, Matthew Hill.
Date = 27 Feb 96 23:14:33 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = Larry Smiththe email = smithl19@nwlink.com city = Tacoma, Washington (state) country = USA Your pages were fascinating! I enjoyed the whole thing. My wife's family was from Doetichem. Her parents were in the Dutch resistance. My father was an American soldier as part of the 9th Army(US),315th Reg, 79th Infantry Div. attached to Montgomery after the Battle of the Bulge. I am looking for more information on his time in Heerlen and other parts of Holland. As a little boy, I stayed with a Dutch family in Heerlen that had hosted my father during the war. What was ironic, when my father was injured in the war, he was treated in a British field hospital. After the war when he wanted his "purple heart" (medal for combat injury) he was told that only soldiers treated by American doctors received the medal.
Date = 1 Mar 96 15:10:06 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = Joseph Jolley email = J.Jolle@lancaster.ac.uk city = Lancaster country = England I really enjoyed looking at your page. One small point. The Sten gun you illustrate is a Mark Two not a Mark Four Comment Author: Please contact me again Joseph, I can not send you a response on this e-mail adress! And the arms section is allright now.
Date = 2 Mar 96 03:07:55 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = Harlan Glenn email = kngcntry@westworld.com city = North Hollywood country = USA home page = http://www.westworld.com/~kngcntry Thank you, I very much enjoyed your page, I check it often to see changes. My Uncle was in the 1st Battallion, and was captured at Arnhem. Do you know of any veterans from his unit that I could write to? I would greatly appreciate this! Cheers!
Date = 3 Mar 96 05:45:04 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Mark G. Hibbard email = hibbardm@cadvision.com city = Calgary country = Canada Your Web site is fabulous. My Dad and I are browsing the site. It is of particular interest to him as he fought in the Canadian Army in WWII in Holland. He came ashore in Normandy and spent time at Nijmegen. Thank You Again. He and I both appreciate your efforts to remember and commemorate these great events in history-for which so many died to preserve our freedom and peace. Mark G. Hibbard
Date = 3 Apr 96 09:41:29 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Steven Sosic email = sosic@deakin.edu.au city = melbourne country = australia comments = awesome
Date = 4 Apr 96 07:14:52 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = huting email = boczj@public.sta.net.cn city = Zhenjiang country = China
Date = 5 Apr 96 15:57:55 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Y.Takano email = takano@scmc.mech.fukui-u.ac.jp city = fukui country = Japan
Date = 6 Apr 96 13:24:35 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = Rino Francisco email = jello@mnl.sequel.net city = Metro Manila country = Philippines A very excellent concept. I hope that many would follow your multi media presentation. As a student of military history, I really appreciated this approach. More power!
Date = 14 Apr 96 14:07:49 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = JOSEPH T. LAYNE email = JLAYNE@QIS.NET city = TIMONIUM, MARYLAND country = USA I am very happy to find this type of information on the internet. I am a veteran of world war II and fought a little south of this area. I have written a paper on when they found the remains of 2lt. Willis A. Utecht, company B, 325TH GIR, 82nd Airborne. Our battalion, 172D engineer combat battalion built the road into the US ninth Army Cemetery at Margraten, Holland. I do thank you very much for printing the history of this very important battle. Sincerely, Joe Layne Author: Thank you Sir!
Date = 20 Apr 96 18:07:25 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = cleto leone email = sand@pinn.net city = virginia beach, va country = usa I was in the 101st AB, 501 parachute reg. I dropped in veghel on sept 17, at 1:30pm. I was wounded a few days later. I was briefly captured for 2 hours. I was a platoon combat medic. I jumped with an M-1 rifle. I still have the original maps. We jumped with and part of my reserve chute. I remember assisting some of the dutch people. Cleto Author: This site is for people like you Cleto. Thanks!
Date = 2 May 96 12:55:12 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = MEURISSE email = seijlm@calva.net city = PARIS country = FRANCE I find it very interesting and well adapted to the Net. Thanks a lot for this project !
Date = 3 May 96 18:26:36 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = Mik O'Connell email = Mik.O'Connell@ucsalf.ac.uk city = Salford country = UK This is one of the best things I've seen on the net!
Date = 5 May 96 02:51:10 subject = Keep up with the good work. name = Larry Snead email = lwsfish@ns.gamewood.net country = Virginia USA I have been to Arnhem and the Pegasus Museum and have found these pages very interesting. It is a means for me to revisit without having to travel many, many miles. I think you are doing a great job!! I wish you the best!!!
Date = 5 May 96 07:00:18 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Suk-jun Lim email = slim1@midway.uchicago.edu city = Chicago country = USA I must tell you that your site is very informative and well created. I read (and saw) your site with great enthusiasm and wish that you keep up the great work. Being a novice at the subject of Market Garden, I'm sorry that I can't offer any information. However, as a person interested in World War II history, I think that your site is wonderful and well constructed. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Suk-jun Lim
Date = 7 May 96 05:48:17 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = Michael Richmond email = LordTrag@aol.com city = N. Little Rock, AR 72116 country = USA home page = Http//www.snider.net Fantastic, such a labor of love.
Date = 8 May 96 10:28:39 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name =Steve email = steveau@hk.super.net country = HongKong Excellent Job, very well done. I see that there is a lot of research done on this project. The photos and maps really helps a lot. One problem is that I found that every page is loaded with Lots of data !! May be it's better to cut down the size of each page.
Date = 9 May 96 02:52:07 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Richard Amtower email = kmarda@epix.net city = Carlisle country = USA I have been looking for information concerning the grandfather that died when I was a very young lad. He was a Glider Pilot during WWII. I have just started to trace his life and am very glad to see a site such as yours. Thank you.
Date = 10 May 96 09:20:54 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Colin Gelson-Jackson email = c.e.gelson-jackson@dl.ac.uk city = Warrington country = UK Dear Andries, Your research into, and presentation of Operation Market Garden, is a fitting tribute to the men and women who fought and died, so that we all may live in a free society. Thank you again for your effort. Colin.
Date = 10 May 96 21:36:09 subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Carmen Falcone III email = fbc@epix.net city = Pittston country = USA The best I have found on the net. One thing when I went to print I could not get all of the maps on the same page.
Date = 12 May 96 03:37:52 subject = Comments on the Market Garden project. name = E. H. Robertson email = edwardr@awod.com city = Sullivans Island, SC 29482 country = USA This is wonderful. Thank you for you time/effort. The only problem is it is conflicting with my sleep! I am a Viet Nam veteran, and this gives me quite a wonderful feeling to learn more of the struggles of WWII. Thanks again.
Date = 12 May 96 06:19:31 resulturl = thanks.htm subject = Wow ! This is really good! name = Ben Tan email = tanb@duke.usask.ca city = Saskatoon country = Canada I have been reading about Operation Market Garden. I wondered if someone had put some information about it on the Internet. To my very pleasant surprise, I found your website, and enjoyed tremendously the illustrations and narrative. I congratulate you on a job well done! We in Canada know quite a lot about the war in Holland at the end of 1944 and into 1945. I salute the very brave Dutch people who worked hard with the Allies to liberate the Netherlands. I am also very proud that the Canadian army played a large part later, after Market Garden. Ben Tan