Airborne Museum

Hotel Hartenstein, during Market Garden, Division-Headquarter of General Major R.E. Urquart, C.B. D.S.O.

The Airborne Museum was founded in 1949 in tribute to the British and Polish Airborne Troops. Until 1978 it occupied part of Doorwerth Castle, when a perfect accomodation was obtained in the former Divisional Headquarters, HARTENSTEIN at OOSTERBEEK. Major-General R.E. Urquhart C.B. D.S.O., who commanded the division in 1944, reopened the expanded museum himself on May 11. 1978. A large model of the area with spoken commentary and slides as well a comprehensive number of photographs with detailed captions illustrate the course of the battle. In addition, a large collection of original weapens and equipment of both allied and German origin is on display. In the basement various scenes of the battle are depicted in dioramas with much attention to historical accuracy and detail. Hartenstein is situated in a large park which is open to the public. Anti tank guns left after the battle stand next to the museum and a Sherman tank is a reminder of the definitive liberation of Oosterbeek in April 1945.

Hartenstein today as a Museum

Utrechtseweg 232
6862 AZ Oosterbeek
Tel: 026-3337710
Can be reached by bus no.1 from both
                    Oosterbeek and Arnhem railway stations.                    
Regional buses: 50-80-81-88.
Opening hours:  Sundays and public holidays:12.00-17.00 hrs.
Weekdays:11.00-17.00 hrs.
      Closed on Christmasday and New Years Day.      
No admission after 16.30 hrs. No dogs.
Admission:     Adults: dfl 5,00
Children 5-16 yrs: dfl 4,00
65+ : dfl 4,00
Group fees from 20 adults:
Adults dfl 4,00 (Childr/65+/CJP: dfl 3,00)      

Airborne Museum Hartenstein presents several diorama's.
Like the one shown below, a gun position near old church, Oosterbeek.