The author of this project wishes to thank:
Airborne Museum Oosterbeek, Bundesarchiv, Imperial War Museum.
Eddy van den Dam & Ruud Derksen. For using their library. (my own books were all destroyed in a fire)
John Molijn: For helping with the tabels, his advice and cooperation in general. (including
the link on his own home-page)
My wife
Gerard Brands: For the continous help on graphics etc, and for beeing a friend.
PC Computing Magazine: For nominating the site as one of the best in 1995.
The Daily Telegraph: For mentioning this site.
Peter Leunissen (journalist): For writing a fantastic article wich appeared in " Arnhemse Courant" on May 18th.
Peter van den Houdt (radio-reporter): For interviewing me about the site on " Radio Gelderland " on May 22.
All visitors: The feedback really keeps me going.
And special thanks go out to:
All the brave men and woman, who participated in Market Garden.
And the families of those who were killed, missing or wounded.
For giving the Dutch People hope, for liberating a large part of our country.
For making an effort to free us from 4 years of bloody occupation, risking your lives on a strange soil.
You will always be in our hearts, and in the hearts of generations to come.
We will never forget you.
Thank you, and may God bless you !