Bert van Sas from DdO
, charged with marketing and sales of the model, gives an overview of the history and technical aspects of the digital model.
How the 3D model was made
Some three years ago the 3D model of Amsterdam was constructed, using cadsystems. The main purpose was to have a 'framework' for urban and architectural design in Amsterdam.
The developer, architect Piet Vernooy, from the Archigraph design office, should be regarded as an information-architect rather than an architect in the traditional sense.
Piet Vernooy has actively been using computers for design (cad), visualisation and 'drawing' purposes for 10 years.
Expansion and Future of the 3D model
Similar to the growth and expansion of Amsterdam in the past, the 3D model itself has been expanding over the years.
Various urban areas have been added as well as a great number of architectural (historic and important municipal) objects.
A very timeconsuming job.
The fact that one single man, who is a trained architect and a professional engineer, has entered all the data and safeguarded the structure, has led to a very consistent set of data and a most consistent application of objects, layers, colors and other entities in the model.
Many applications possible
It's our aim to spread the use and availability of the model. So
sponsors are welcome.
Technical information
The model consists of 3D geometry mainly defined by xyz-coordinates and faces. Objects, layers and functional application of color are also used to organise the data.
Experience has shown that the structure and organisation of the geometrical information allows for all sorts of applications now and in the future.
Multimedia applications for instance, based on 3D model information, can be realised rapidly.
It is possible to export 3D-data or 3D-data database parts to build a VRML
Internet application or to build video/- graphics/- animation/- applications in combination with software like Quicktime, Director, Wavefront or Oracle Media Objects.
The export of 3D-data to geometrical formats (dxf, iges, step) is also standard available.
Interesting reference regarding 3D VRML Internet 'virutal city' modelling is to be found in the VRML Cities Repository. Please check our Index A-Z for Internet Links.
Archigraph & DdO can be reached at:
Telephone: +31 (0)20 676 10 89
Fax: +31 (0)20 676 51 87
Postbus 75357
The Netherlands
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