General information, of interest to all
About Amsterdam ]
Tourist Information and other Matters of Interest. Far the best and most complete 'A-Z Home Page Index' about Amsterdam. Continuously updated.
[ Amsterdam Architecture till 1850 ]
Sober but impressive documentary overview of historically interesting canalhouses in the old city centre. Architectural descriptions till 1850.
Many photographs (Gif thumbnails and Jpeg full-screen). Text is dutch.
If applicable the famous Caspar Philips (1732 - 1789) copperplate prints are depicted.
[ Amsterdam 3D Model ]
Amsterdam bird's eye views, slideshows (Netscape 2.0) without plugins.. and Welcome to Amsterdam, Overview of current Amsterdam Internet home pages. Also 3D Fun movies, including a 'wielklem'.
Amsterdam Digital City 'squares' ]
A-Z Index of the squares ('pleinen') in 'De Digitale Stad' Amsterdam.
[ A-Z Index of the Amsterdam Digital City ]
Amsterdam Musea
Amsterdam Musea, Complete ]
A very complete overview, offered by the Netherlands Board of Tourism. Offers openinghours, addresses. No pictures.
Amsterdam Musea, Selection ]
Offers a selection of the more well-known musea and some pictures.
Rembrandt via the WebMuseum in Paris. ]
Amsterdam Transport
[ Amsterdam Schiphol Airport ]
[ Royal Dutch Airlines, KLM ]
Transport Overview ]
Amsterdam Quick Tourist Overview ]
[ Amsterdam Virtual Photograph Tour ]
Nice guided tour through the city centre. Offers especially a lot of information on shopping, cafés and bars.
Agenda Amsterdam Cultural Activities
NRC: Film, Muziek, Theater, Musea, Galerie, Internet ]
Complete overview by the 'dutch quality newspaper NRC Handelsblad' of all current and forthcoming cultural activities. You will be surprised how easy it is to read and understand 'nederlands'.
De Telegraaf_i Uit de Kunst, KUNSTWIJZER ]
'Index op Theaters, Muziek, Muziektheater, Musea, Galeries, Exposities/Tentoonstellingen, Diversen, Jeugd.' Also dutch. Continuously updated overview by 'De Telegraaf', the largest and (for the shareholders) most profitable dutch newspaper.
'De Telegraaf A-Z Index op FilmTheater plus Links naar de recensies.' ]
Bioscoop Agenda (Amsterdam & Nederland) ]
A-Z index of Films plus Links to theatres and cities/location.
[ Filmhuis XI, (nl) ]
A-Z Index of Theatres plus Links to their current films.
Galeries, Music, Damsko Dansi
[ Damsko Dansi ]
Have a look at the colorful 'overseas' cultural Amsterdam agenda.
[ E-Boulevard, Art Agenda Amsterdam ]
Info on galleries and exhibition openings
Contemporary music in Holland. ]
Amsterdam 'AJAX' Soccer (nl)
[ AjaxKids page ]
[ Ajax CyberSide ]
[ Ajax Unofficial Homepage ]
Another general Amsterdam Index
Amsterdam Links via the Dutch HomePage maintainers ]
Virtual Internet Exposition (uk and nl)
[ Amsterdam and the Netherlands via the Internet 1996 World Exposition ]
The dutch and european mirror site of the virtual and digital Internet 1996 World Exposition. This Link is a very fast (european) connection to the expo and Holland homepages in general. The exposition continues till 1 January 1997.