The beginning? I used to do the computer communication, but I started internet because I realized some problems in an environmental aspect. Since I had no knowledge about it, I bought an easy and understandable book to make a home page; I did it in three days. I did it thr ough trial and error, but when I opened it, I was so surprised that I received many responses.

Since I was a girl and still 14 years old, I felt that I've been seen by many images. (by the way, she make up all of the contents by herself.) I had a feeling of reality that I can have different kinds of communication through the network; on the other hand,I've received strange mails, destructive mails, and mails that I don't know what to answers.

I used to worry about there mails, but now I can take a `so-what` attitude toward these trouble some mails. The time limit of accessing internet is 1 hour a day. I change my home page quite often(sometimes I run out of new items). I don't set a particular theme, but I send any information about what's going on around me.

I realized that many different receivers have different kinds of opinion about what I sent without thinking much. There were strange people; and I was quite annoyed sometime. I'm going to continuemaking may home page, but I hope that I can communicate through the network without worrying about the gender and age.Futurerelationship with Internet? Well... Be compatible with high school entrance exam.
üireported 96.5.12üj

üuShe says, "I have a feeling that I use my right hand rather than my brain to learn."
Then she showed off her hand. What's gonna happen to the power of her hand in the future.

Computer environment of Miss Kiba.
NEC and Power Mac. She mainly used NEC one before she started internet.

he studies by herself.
She also started oil painting 6 month ago.
Her favorite is water colored pencil which was a little expensive.
She is hooked on going to the drug store lately.

The moral aspect to keep personal privacy should be considered between the internet users as the network web expands.

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