National Championship Victory!
6 Years of Intense Volleyball.
Reporter: Yuta Kikuchi
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üúYuta, number 3, makes a great block!
I have been playing volleyball for 6 long years. Now for the great news! At the national championship held in Tokyo this August our team won! During the 6 years there were times when I thought of quitting but I am glad that I continued playing. Practice was really hard but it all paid off and my team became the best in Japan!
When I first started volleyball I was a little anxious. However, a friend of mine was already in the team so it was easier for me to adjust. During the first and second years all I did was pick up balls but from the third year the practice became much more difficult. This year the only time I had off was for the New Year holiday. I did not go skiing or swimming and practiced every day from 4 in the afternoon to 7 at night. Up until last year the other teams were really strong and we were loosing. However, from this year the stronger teams could not renew their teams with good players and we thought that this was our chance.
We first competed in the Miyagi prefecture meet and then qualified for the national competition. In the beginning, we thought that placing in the top 8 would be enough. But when we found ourselves in the semi-finals we all thought ╥Let╒s win the championship!╙ When our team reached the finals we were pretty nervous. In the end our teamwork prevailed and we won the national championship!

üúThe dreamt of gold medal! What an emotional experience!
Yuta and the team received their gold medals from the famous Japanese women╒s Olympic player Ms. Obayashi. It was a memorable occasion for Yuta. The team also won the Tohoku competition! Isn╒t it great to concentrate on one thing and become number one at it.

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ü@History of Volleyball
Volleyball was originated by the American athletic instructor W.G. Morgan in 1895. The 16 member team system was brought to Japan around 1913 and became a 6 member team sport by 1951.

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