The people, who do not understand rivers, forests, and fish, cannot be a good fish boat craftsman. To make sure good wood (cedar) is the most important.The designs of fishing boats are a little bit different from each other due to the purpose of each boat. Since I have a long experience, I do not make plans. As I get older, I cannot do anything, but the one I want to do. I enjoy the most when I concentrate on making a fishing boat.photo


The kinds of the fishing boats, service, and historyNot only the Kobune (a small boat), which was used for fishing, but also these kinds of fishing boats ran in the Shimanto from Meiji era to the middle of Showa.
The kinds of the fishing boats,service,and history

This is a transportation boat which mainly ran between Egawasaki, Nishitosa village, and Shimoda, Nakamura city. The big Semba wasabout 13-meter long and 2-meter wide. The small one was about 11-meter long and 2-meter wide. On windy days, fishermen used thepower of wind hoisting the sail. A two-passenger boat.

This is a transportation boat which ran between Towa village and Egawasaki, such as Tokawa and Hirose. The characteristics of theboat is that 'funabari,' the both edges, and 'miyoshi,' in front of the boat, are warped. The ship had two oars (Kashira oar, a main oar, and Tomooar, the side oar) and a scull. Also, fishermen hoisted the sail.

This is a transportation boat which was used in the branch rivers such as the upper stream from Togawa, the Meguro, and the Yohsino. It was made to suita rapid stream and a swift current.

Ferry boats were called Goyo-bune and Tyu-bune. There used to be alot of ferries along the Shimanto, but due to the spread of sinkingbridges, the number of the ferries has been decreased. It was the housboatwhich ran between Shimoda and Sada in Nakamura in the beginning of Showa.Now, it is famous as a sightseeing boat which goes down the river. One fishing boat is called 'Pin Pin-bune,' whose oars are low and miyoshi is warped. You can see'Kobune,' in the Shimanto and branch rivers. Especially it is used forfishing, but has been used for transportation of crops and fertilizer, too.

Semba ran the lower part of the river, and Takasebune and Sembi ran the middle part of it. The ships, which suited the river's condition such as the quantity of the water, waves, and shore reef, ran the river. It was a general rule that the goods which were carried from the upper part of the river were supposed to be transferred to another boat on the way.

Steering a boat
Semba was a two-passenger boat. It was steered especially by couples or brothers. Takasebune and Sembi were also two-passenger boats, one boatman was in the front and the other was in the back. The one in the front steered with Mukou oar avoiding rocks and stones. He steered with a scull at Toromi, deep water spot.

There is no official record about the origin of fishing boats of the Shimanto.It seemed that they became popular in Meiji era when demanding wood and charcoal had increased. From 30th of Showa, however, land transportations became popular, so Semba and other transportation boats disappeared.


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Kochi the REAL japanUPDOWNTOPHOMEMAPlast update:august 1, 1996/(C)Kochi Pref.