Ocean Ecotour,Ogata Style
Ogata Whale Watching Center30 May, 1996. Chartered a boat at the Irino Fishing Port in Ogata Town, Kochi, to take us whale watching .

Irino Fishing PortStudents here on an excursion from another prefecture boarding a boat.

A Whale Watching BoatWeather conditions -- rain, with a slight swell forecast. By 9:30 AM the rain had stopped, but the weather still looked bad.

The Mouth of the Shimanto RiverWe set a westerly course and head towards the mouth of the Shimanto River.

The Coast as seen from our BoatIn distance in front of us is Cape Ashizuri.

Sea Birds Dancing in the SunshineDuring the brief periods of sunshine, flocks of sea birds dance on the ocean's surface.

A Risso's DolphinWe sight a pod of Risso's Dolphins as well as flying fish, sunfish and immense Dorado. We are all very satisfied with the days events.

A Slowly Swimming Sun Fish Observing a wallowing sunfish.

Junior High school students on an ExcuisionThe students are all having fun and seem to be enjoying their excursion immensely.

The Sea off Ogata We originally came here with the purpose of seeing some whales, but in the end, we didn't get to see any. Even so, we were not in the least bit disappointed, as we managed to see a wide variety of wild, ocean life. The only bad point was the wind, which became quite cold after a while. We must remember to take our raincoats next time...

The Bryde's Whales of Ogata

A Bryde's  WhaleA Bryde's WhaleA Bryde's  Whale
Bryde's Whale Movie(Quick Time) 589KB
Come on! Whalefreaks.(Newsgroup)

Kochi the REAL JapanUPTOPHOMEMAPlast update:july 1, 1996/(C)Kochi Pref.