The Dairy of Gon-chan

Nanko Kadota
Nanko Kadota

Nanko Kadota is a resident of Muroto
City and the creator of the traditional
Japanese picture, slide show story
"Kujira no Gon"(A Whale Named Gon). In
1993, she visited the fishing community
of Mitsu, in Moroto City, and it was
there that she met 'Gon-chan', the
nick-name given to a lost Risso's Dolphin
that wandered into the port, and kept a
chronicle of her encounter with this
"feisty female whale".

The Diary of 'gon-chan'

The Diary of Gon-chan

Kochi the REAL JapanUPDOWNTOPHOMEMAPlast update:july 1, 1996/(C)Kochi Pref.