Kochi the REAL japan 脈 UP BOTTOM HOME MAP IWE96

Room of unconventional visual point

Please taste a work of unconventional visual point of children.
When you click to small work, the expands work is displayed.

Work Youko Tokuhira(Noichi E.S) 'Snowy fairy'
It is a fantastic picture. She is skillful and use it about a various function.

Work Kousirou Yamamura(Asahi E.S) 'Ball that flies'
It is a composition that power is. At any moment, a ball flies and is right.

Work Sinya Yamamoto(Jyouhoku J.H.S) 'World it see from a swallow'
It is a picture depending on a visual point from air. We feel a rich idea.

Work Daisuke Satake(Nakamura-nishi J.H.S) 'Unknown world'
There are wonderful solid floats inside a background. We feel a freedom idea.

Work Noritaka Tsukuda(Ikku J.H.S) 'Towns of Towns of Towns of ...'
A personal computer is repeated inside a screen. He am skillful and use a function of computer.

Work Soushi Simomoto(Takaoka J.H.S) 'Throw a cannonball'
You see it from right above of player. It is an unconventional composition.

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Kochi the REAL japan UP TOP HOME MAP 96/08/15   (C) Kochi Pref.