HSO enjoys a great help from the Music Director Totsuka Naohiro, a
whiz kid like Ozawa Seiji; Mr. Totsuka was invited to Berkshire Music
Center as a fellowship conductor, and won the Koussevitzky Award in 1983.
This is the second time for Japanese conductors after Mr. Ozawa, but Mr.
Totsuka was still a college student at that time.
Born in Tokyo in 1960, he learned how to play the piano and to conduct
before entering Toho Gakuen College, a prestigious music school. Its
bachelor and master courses gave him chances to learn skills from famous
conductors, including Seiji Ozawa. Here is his recent history as a young
and talented conductor.
1984: Was invited to Boston Symphony Orchestra as the assistant conductor,
and made his conducting debut in the 117th Regular Concert of New Japan
Philharmonic. Became a fellowship conductor in Berkshire Music Center again,
and learned from leading conductors including Leonard Bernstein.
1985: Conducted NHK Symphony Orchestra.
1986: Made debut in Europe by conducting Stockholm Philharmonic.
1987: Was invited against to Stockholm Philharmonic and conducted
Rossini's opera "Cinderella".
1988: Conducted Zoringen municipal Symphonic Orchestra, and won admiration.
1988, April: Became the permanent conductor of Gunma Symphony Orchestra
in Gunma Pref. (until March 1992).
1989: Conducted NHK Symphony Orchestra again, and won admiration and
a lot of attention in Japan.
1992, September: Became the permanent conductor of Tokyo City Philharmonic.
1994, May: Became the music director of HSO.