Ben Johnson became the major controversy of the Seoul games. The Canadian sprinter dashed to a 100 meter victory, setting an incredible world record, and beating the great Carl Lewis. His joy was short-lived, however as he tested positive for steroid use and was immediatley stripped of both his medal and his record. Previous world championships and world records were also revoked. After returning from suspension Johnson repeated his crime and was banned for life from athletic competition.
Naim Suleymanoglu of Turkey, became the first man ever to lift three times his body weight when he won the featherweight category (60kg) with a 190kg jerk. His result was better than that of the 1956 open class winner, Paul Anderson, who weighed 137 kg

Israeli Flying Dutchmen sailors, Yoel Sela and Eldad Amir,
were in for an excellent chance to become their nation's first medalists.
Any finish above eleventh place, which they achieved in five of
six previous heats, would have ensured them a place on the victory stand.
They were ordered by the Israeli Olympic authorities not to compete in the heat,
scheduled to take place on Yom Kippur, the most sacred Jewish holiday.
Ironically, Sela, the captain of the boat, is a declared agnostic.