Ethiopian Abebe Bikila won the Marathon, beginning a long line of African long distance champions

Long Distance Champions from Africa
Athlete event nation
Adebke Bikila Marathon (1960, 1964) Ethiopia
Mamo Wolde marathon (1968) Ethiopia
Naftali Temo 10,000 m Kenya
Muhammed Gammoudi 5,000 m (1968) Tunisia
Miruts Yifter 5,000 m, 10,000 m (1980) Ethiopia
Said Aouita 5,000 m (1984) Morocco
Moulay Boutayeb 10,000 m (1988) Morocco
John Ngugi 5,000 m (1988) Kenya
Khalid Skah 10,000 m (1992) Morocco
Deratu Tulu Women's 10,000 m (1992) Ethiopia

In 1960 Romanian high-jumper Iolanda Balas won the high jump by 14cm - largest margin of victory in 20th century. This was the first 6 foot leap in the Olympic Games. During his career Balas raises the world record from 1.73m to 1.91m. sets 14 world records, and wins 140 consecutive victories.

The Indian Hockey team's winning streak comes to an end with a 0-1 loss to Pakistan in 1960.

Longest Olympic Team Winning Streaks
Indian Hockey Team (1928-1960) 30 games 6 gold medals
Hungarian Sabre Fencing Team (1924-1964) 46 games 8 gold medals
United States Men's Basketball Team (1936-1972) 62 games seven gold medals