Woman's Track and Field Progression
Event 1928 1992 Percentage Difference
100 m Betty Robinson 12.2 sec Gail Devers 10. 82 sec 13 % faster
800 m Lina Radka 2:16.8 Ellen Van Langen 1:55.54 18% faster
High Jump: Ethel Catherwood 1.59m Heike Henkel 2.02m 27 % improvement
Discus Halina Konopacke 39.62m Martiza Marten Garcia 70.06m. 76 % improvement

During the 1928 Olympics the King of the Netherlands was abroad on an official state visit. Prince Hendrik opened the Games in his place. He is the only prince to have ever opened an Olympic Games.

Breakdown of Olympic Openers (winter and summer)
Presidents 16
Members of Royalty 10
Governor 1
Anthropologist 1
Emperors 2
President of Louisiana Exposition 1