As legend has it Paavo Nurmi, the great Finnish long distance runner, was once punished after a cross-country race during his army service. The officers found his time too fast to be reasonable and presumed he took a shortcut. In Paris he won five gold medals and a track and field all time record. His supremacy was so great he won the 1,500 and 5,000 meters within 45 minutes! Nurmi revolutionized long distance running by understanding that an even pace was the key to success, and he ran with his famous watch in his hand. Nurmi may well have won a sixth gold medal, but the Finnish delegation prevented him taking part in the 10,000 meters, claiming he had collected more than his share of gold, and that he ought to leave something for the rest of the team. Nurmi protested by running the 10,000 meters at the time as the Olympic final. His time was faster than the Olympic winner, his compatriot Ville Ritola.