Reflecting the war-ridden times, many medalists in 1920 were either future or past war heroes. Bevill Rudd of South Africa, who miraculously escaped by foot after his tank broke down between enemy lines in World War I, won a bronze in the 800 meter race. Harry Liversedge, shot put bronze medalist, later became the Colonel to raise the American Flag in Iwo Jima in World War II. Charles Paddock, the winner of the 200 meter race later became a Marine Corps hero and had a ship named after him. The "Golden Age of Sport" began in the United States - a guy named Babe Ruth actualy got 125,000 dollars for playing baseball that year in New York. The biggest victors of 1920 may have been American woman, voting for president for the first time. Arm-chair athletes round the world were getting their Olympic News on the first international telephone-calls, but at least in the U.S. they were not discussing results over a cold beer, as alcohol prohibition was brought into effect. | ||||