The youngest winner in Olympic history remains unknown. Francois Brandt, Roelf Klein and Hermanus Brockman from Holland easily won in the heat's of Pair-Oared Shell with Coxswain rowing event. However, as the final approached they feared their coxswain was too heavy and exchanged his services with a young French boy. The newly composed team won narrowly but before they took the victory stand the young coxswain disappeared into the Paris market. Brockman, the team coxswain who watched the final from dry land, took the victory stand instead.
Australian Fredrick Lane's winning time in the 200m freestyle could be considered astonishing, as Lane swam 13 seconds faster than his own world record. In fact,. all three medalists beat the world mark by at least six seconds. This achievement is dampened by the fact that the race was held on the Siene river and the swimmers were swimming in a downstream current.
The Marathon winner, a Bakery delivery man named Michel Theato, won his event. Unfortunately, like other athletes, he did not understand the exact difference between the Paris Olympic Games and the Paris Exposition. Only in 1920, two decades later, did he actually realize he was an Olympic champion.