<Must be eaten at once, or will collapse into a flat mess. This dessert was made possible with the change of table etiquette, from all dishes at once, to course-by-course servings.>
250 cc milk
100 g granulated sugar
1 stick vanilla beans
40 g flour
5 egg yolks
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8 egg whites
50 granulated sugar
30 cc Kirsch
some powder sugar
- Make creme patissiere:
Mix egg yolk, sugar, and flour in bowl. Blend well. Add heated milk with vanilla. Mix well. Heat mixture in pan for 5 minutes while mixing with wooden spatula. Strain and cool. Add Kirsch and flatten.
- Whip egg whites in bowl, add sugar in three portions.
- Add half of 2. into 1. Blend well. Add the remaining half of 2. Mix again.
- Spread butter on the inside of cocotte and sprinkle powder sugar over it. Pour in the dough from 3. and bake in a 200√C heated oven. Sprinkle powder sugar over finished dessert.