1900 Paris

<A humorous dish serving sole from the Dover Channel. Two sauces colored differently represent the left and right banks of the Seine, and the sole could be bateau-mouche (pleasure boat on the Seine). The colorful two-dimensional presentation is visually effective and can be appreciated to this day. The delivery shows an apparent shift from the voluptious servings of the 19th century.>
4 sole filets
salt and pepper
2 echarotes
150 cc white wine
300 cc fumet de poison
150 cc cream
40 g butter
salt and pepper

4 champignons (plus salt, lemon juice, and water) as decoration 8 slices truffs as decoration

    500 g ecrevisses (crayfish)
    mirepoi (1 finely chopped echarote, 1/2 diced onion, 1/4 diced carrot, 1/2 diced celery)
    50 g butter
    50 cc cognac
    some tomato paste
    100 cc white wine
    400 cc fumet de poison
    200 cc cream
    salt and pepper
  1. Peel sole, remove head, wash in water. Pat dry, season with salt andpepper.
  2. Spread butter in pot, add echarotte, white wine, fumet de poison. Lay filets next to each other so none overlap, let flame.
  3. Take fish out carefully, lift top half of fish to remove bones. Top half and bottom half together make one serving.
  4. Make sauce vin blanc: Simmer sauce remaining in pot 3. Add cream and boil down mixture until 1/3 of the original quantity. Strain with chinois, ad d salt and pepper, monter with butter.
  5. Make sauce nantua:
      Separate heads and tails of ecrevittes. Heat butter in pan, add and crush ecrevitte heads while stir-frying well.
      Add tails and mirepoi, keep on heat.
      Add cognac for scent, add white wine for déglaçage, add fumet de poison. Cook until mixture boils down to 1/2 the original mass. Add cream. Strain with chinois if too chunky, season with salt and pepper.
  6. Slice (tourner) champignons, boil swiftly in water with salt and lemon juice.
  7. Place sole filet on plate, pour two sauces half and half, garnish champignons and truff slices.