4 sole filets
salt and pepper
2 echarotes
150 cc white wine
300 cc fumet de poison
150 cc cream
40 g butter
salt and pepper
4 champignons (plus salt, lemon juice, and water) as decoration
8 slices truffs as decoration
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500 g ecrevisses (crayfish)
mirepoi (1 finely chopped echarote, 1/2 diced onion, 1/4 diced carrot, 1/2 diced celery)
50 g butter
50 cc cognac
some tomato paste
100 cc white wine
400 cc fumet de poison
200 cc cream
salt and pepper
- Peel sole, remove head, wash in water. Pat dry, season with salt andpepper.
- Spread butter in pot, add echarotte, white wine, fumet de poison. Lay filets next to each other so none overlap, let flame.
- Take fish out carefully, lift top half of fish to remove bones. Top half and bottom half together make one serving.
- Make sauce vin blanc: Simmer sauce remaining in pot 3. Add cream and
boil down mixture until 1/3 of the original quantity. Strain with chinois, ad
d salt and pepper, monter with butter.
- Make sauce nantua:
Separate heads and tails of ecrevittes. Heat butter in pan, add and crush ecrevitte heads while stir-frying well.
Add tails and mirepoi, keep on heat.
Add cognac for scent, add white wine for déglaçage, add fumet de poison. Cook until mixture boils down to 1/2 the original mass.
Add cream. Strain with chinois if too chunky, season with salt and pepper.
- Slice (tourner) champignons, boil swiftly in water with salt and lemon juice.
- Place sole filet on plate, pour two sauces half and half, garnish champignons and truff slices.