1900 Paris

<A typical recipe for crustacean soup. The secret is to use fumet de poison. Produces a deep flavor from the blending taste of vegetables and crayfish.>
1 kg ecrevisse (crayfish)
100 g butter
1/2 carrot
1 clove garlic
100 g poirot (leek)
100 g white wine
1 liter fumet de poison
1 bouquet garni
salt and pepper
  1. Break crayfish in half, remove sand vein.
  2. Put butter and finely chopped garlic in pot, sautee diced vegetables (1 cm cubes), add and sautee crayfish.
  3. Add white wine, dÄglacer. Add fumet de poison, bouquet garni, season and simmer for 30 minutes.
  4. Strain mixture with chinois, and season.
  5. Place 2-3 crayfish tails in plate, pour hot soup over them. Serve.